Chapter Twenty

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I glare at Seb but he just keeps starin' ahead at the bloody road.

"So who was that?" He finally asks not turning to look at me.

"Name's James. I broke into his house a few days ago and he invited me to lunch today." I tell him and he finally turns to look at me when we pull over at the chippy.

"Do ya know how stupid that is?" He snaps and I roll my eyes feelin' pissed off. He don' understand that James is different to the others.

"I can make decisions on my own Seb." I growl and this time he rolls his fuckin eyes.

"Well, you apparently can't. Ya not as good as ya think Luca." He snaps.

"What the fuck is that surpose to mean?" I yell and he rolls his eyes. He gets out the car to buy himself some crappy chips. I take my phone out and text James.

Hey man
It's Luca by the way.

I stare at my phone and smile when a text arrives on the screen. Why am I feelin' this way 'bout him? Earlier I think I wanted to kiss him which is so fuckin weird.

Hello Luca. How are you?

He texts in such a formal way. He talks like that as well. He's a strange guy.

I'm good thanks
Ya good

Yes, I'm good thank you... Seb seems like a protective person.

I sigh before typing:

Yea he is
We've been mates for years 
I love him an all but he really pisses me off sometimes

How many friends do you have?

Not many
There good though.
Rosa Seb and Oliver

They sound nice. I've already told you about my best friend Becky. I dated her once but it didn't last long.

For some unknown reason hearing that he dated Becky makes me feel angry. Me fucking feelin's are all over the place today and I hate it.

Then he types:

Have you ever dated anyone?

Sort of

Oh, didn't it go well?

Not really
We didn work
He wanted one thing an I wanted another


I'm gay
Is that a problem

No. There's nothing wrong with that.


Are your friends gay?

What sort of question is that

Sorry if that was rude. I was just curious.

They're all gay
Rosa likes girls
Oliver and Seb like boys
And each other I think

Wow, is it one of those things where everyone can see that they belong together except them?

Pretty much

That must be super annoying sometimes.

It is
But I still love em

That's really nice. Becky and I are quite close as well but your friends seem more like family to you.

We're close
Really close

How about your family? You've never really mentioned them before.

I stare at me phone for a few seconds. I have no fucking clue what to say. I don' want to tell him about me fucking old man and crappy mum but I don' wanna lie and tell him that they're nice people.

Seb climbs into the car and pushes a portion of chips at me.

"I just ate." I remind him as I chuck my phone onto the dashboard.

"Well, that can be ya dinner." He snaps and I nod. I look at me phone as it sits with an unanswered question. I fell shit for not replyin' to James but it is what it is.

I am what I am.

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