Chapter Five

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I look back over my notes then sigh. I dont think I have anything down to solve this equation. I look at my phone but still nothing from Becky.

I start to read through the next question when I hear a noise downstairs. Sort of like the noise of someone landing from jumping. I get out of my desk chair and inch closer to my bedroom door. I hear light footsteps coming from the lounge downstairs.

My heart starts to hammer against my ribs and I chew on my bottom lip as panic floods through me.

I'm not home alone.

Don't be stupid James no one has broken in.

I open my door and start to make my way down the stairs telling myself over and over again that it's only my parents. That my parents have gotten home earlier from their meal and will announce their presents any moment now.

I reach the bottom of the stairs not making a single sound and turn towards the lounge, phone in hand ready for anything.

I freeze in the doorway as my eyes fix on the intruder. He also freezes like a deer in headlight arms reaching towards one of my mums favourite crystal ornaments.

I strangely feel heat rush to my face as I take in the boys messy golden hair, pale skin and sharp blue eyes. He has a scar on his cheek bone and another on his chin which makes him seem more attractive strangely. The only hideous thing about him, is the dark bruise near his right eye and his busted lip.

We both stand there frozen and taking each other in and I try to say something. Try to break the silence or call the police or scream or anything other then just standing here like a statue.

I feel a strong desire to hit myself as I think...

Out of everyone in the world, why did the person to break into my house have to be so hot?

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