Chapter Twenty-three

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I'm innocently walking down the road when I see something I thought I'd never see...

James is sitting in the park blushing at another boy!

I stare for a moment or two before I realise that I'm just standing in plane sight. I dive behind a tree and peer out at the two boys.

James is obviously blushing and pretty much has hearts in his eyes. The other boy isn't so obviously in love but is definitely enjoying James's company.

I dont understand I thought that I was James's only friend. I mean, I dont care if he has other friends I just thought that he would tell me.

He also never mentioned that he could be gay. Maybe he's not in love and I'm just reading it all wrong. Who even is that other boy?

"D'ya spy on people often?" Someone says causing me to turn around so fast that I almost fall over.

Standing in front of me is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She has caramel coloured skin and chocolate coloured hair. Her eyes are a stunning bronze colour and shine in the summer sun.

"I - I'm not spying." I stutter awkwardly and she laughs.

"Well, I am." She says and I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out.

"Oh, really? Who are you spying on?" I ask and she smiles such a wide and beautiful smile.

"That boy there." She says as she points at the boy sitting next to James. The girl inches closer to me and peers around the tree at the two boys.

Wow! She smells so good! I feel my face start to heat up and I turn back to staring at James hoping that she wont notice.

"So, what's ya name?" The girl asks me and I turn back to her which makes my face flush a deeper red.

"Umm... I'm Becky." I says awkwardly and she laughs.

"I'm Rosa." The girl, Rosa says with a smile.

"That's a nice name." I tell her shyly and she smiles.

"Thanks. I like your name too." She says before we both turn back to watching the two boys.

"So, who is the boy your spying on?" I ask curiously.

"He's Luca. Me mate Seb said that the boy he's with is trouble but I don' see anythin' wrong." She says and I stare at her my eyes wide. The boy, Luca looks a lot more trouble then poor James.

"Oh no. James is such a lovely person." I tell her and she nods.

"Yeah, thought he was." She says with a smile and I cant help but smile back.

Wow, so James new friend is called Luca and has some super over protective friends. I wonder how they met and why James hasn't mentioned him. Now that I think about it, James has been acting really strange recently and has been addicted to him phone which is extremely unlike him.

James is blushing at Luca and Luca is smiling and blathering on about something like they've been friends since birth. It's clear that they're happy around one another by their facial expressions and body language so they must have known each other for a while.

I really dont understand what's going on with my best friend right now. I really don't know what's going on with myself right now.

This world is so confusing.

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