Chapter Forty-two

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I tried talking to Luca but he didn't want to hear it. He got angry when I told him about what Brandon had said and left. I don't know where he went or what he did and I don't want to.

I'm worried about him...

Well, not him exactly, more the situation he's in. He's finally managed to move on and I think that James is a really nice guy. I'm just worried about Brandon. I don't think he knows about this and I'm scared of how he'll react when he finds out.

When Luca tried to break up with Brandon after Seb brought him to his senses, Brandon turned it around. He made it seem like he was dumping Luca and called him some really horrid things. He liked being in control so the fact that Luca now has James will anger him.

All of this is going to end in tears, I just know it.

I never found out where Luca stormed off to that day we fought but he doesn't seem to have put himself in any more trouble.

I know that we shouldn't baby him but everything would be easier if he was just honest for once.


"You've been too quiet Oliver." Seb says as he sits down next to me. I look up and offer him a weak smile but it's all I can give.

"Sorry." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"There's ain't anythin bad bout it. I'm just worried for ya." He tells me and I sigh. I lean into him and rest me head on the side of his arm. I would rest my head on this shoulder but he's too tall for me to, even when sitting down.

"I'm just thinking." I tell him as I close my eyes and relax into him.

"About what?" He asks curiously.

"Luca... I'm worried about him." I say earnestly. Seb sighs and then ruffles my hair. I open an eye and stare up at him. He gives me a soft smile but I can see that it's forced to try and make me feel better.

"I know but he won't listen ta us." He states and I nod. Luca is the sort of person that does whatever he wants to do. He works so he has somewhere to live but other then that, he doesn't take orders from anyone.

"I know." I mutter.

"Stop worrying Oliver. Focuse on yourself." Seb tells me and I nod even though I can't. I find it easier to focus on others then myself.

All there's really to think of about myself is my home. My family have hardly any money so we struggle a lot. I know that I'm just a burden to my parents. If they didn't have me the they wouldn't have to spend money on caring for me. They could even rent my room out for some extra money.

"What's with that face?" Seb asks and I sigh.

"Nothing." I mutter before standing up. I look at him and give him a small wave before walking off.

"Oliver? Where are ya going?" Seb calls after me but I keep walking.

I have to find answers to everything and it's clear that Luca isn't going to give them to me.

I'll just have to get them another way...

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