Chapter Sixty-eight

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Fuckin amazing smellin food sits on a plate in front of me. I stare at James and his folk as they eat their food poshly. Do have ta eat like that?

"Aren't you hungry?" James asks me looking conserned.

"Yeah, I am." I tell him before I pick up the fork and stabbin it inta a bit of food before shovin it in me mouth.

The food is so fuckin good!

"So, how did you two meet?" James's ma asks us politely. James looks at me and I shrug as I shove more food in me mouth.

"Tell em." I say between mouthfuls and he nods.

"A few months back, Luca broke into our house to steal some stuff for money." James explains and both of his folk turn ta me in horror.

"I didn't take shit though." I state before they call the cops on me. The last this I need is bloody Garrett turnin up here and draggin me back ta the fuckin station.

"We met again and again. We became friends and then more then friends." James says quickly and both his folk look at each other. They hate me, I know it.

"Tells us more about yourself Luca." James pa says and I think for a moment. What the fuck is there ta say?

"Well, their ain't a lot really. I live in this city. I have a few mates who are more like family ta me. I work at the veggie shop. I like yellow." I tell them not really knowing why I add that last one.

"What about your parents?"

I freeze almost droppin me bloody fork. I hate these questions when they come since I got nothin ta say.

"What about them?" I ask tryin ta act like I don't get the darn question.

"What are they like?" James pa asks. Pissed, violent, pieces of shit, the worst people on this fuckin Earth. There's many think I could say.

"Alright." I mubble before shovin more food in me mouth. I ingore James suspicious look and stare at me plate.

"Where do they work?" James ma asks. Why'd they wanna fuckin know? James is datin me, not me pissed parents.

"Around." Is what I say and all I'll say. I think they get the memo because they turn away from me and look at James.

"Have you kissed?" They ask.

"Yes." James says awkwardly.

"Have you..."

"Yes." He mutters blushin sweetly. His folk look shocked and disgusted.


"That ain't relevent." I snap. This is dinner not some crappy questioning.

"I think it is." James pa snaps back. I go to stand but James grabs me and holds me down.

"Please don't." He whispers and I feel like shit. All I do is fuck up and right now that's what I'm doing.

"I should go." I say before I pull me arm free from James and leave the table.

"Luca!" James calls before appearin at my side. I sit by the front door pullin me worn shoes on tryin ta ignore the sick feelin in my stomach.

"I need ta go home." I tell him.

"Can't you finish dinner first?" He asks hopefully. I hate ta upset him but I have ta. I'm too messed up for his parents ta know. For him ta know.

"Nah." I say.

"It's stormy outside and it's dark." He states clearly tryin ta stop me. I stand and kiss his lips before turning away.

"Been out in worse." I tell him which was meant ta offer reasurence but he don't look too reasured.

"Please. It's cold." He tells me and I sigh.

"I was born in the cold." I tell him which is kinda true. I was born in me house since we got no car ta get me ma ta the hospital. It was December and the house was fuckin freezing. Well, that what I've been told anyway.

"Please don't go." He whispers.

"Sorry." I say and he nods understandin that I can't stay here. I don't fit in and all I'm gonna do is let him down. He opens the door and I nod ta him before I leave inta the rain.

"I'll bring you your clean clothes tomorrow." He tells me and I nod.

"Kay. See ya then." I say before I head of inta the storm.

Shit weather means shits about ta happen.

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