Chapter Twelve

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I push into house the smell of alcohol burning me nose and making my bloody eyes water.

"Where've you been?" Me old man grumble as he stumbles towards me a half empty bottle of beer in his hand.

"None of ya fucking business." I shoot back as I try to push passed him.

"Well, it have fucking been at work!" He yells going from grumpy to aggressive quickly. Even quicker then me.

"And what if it weren't?" I snap back.

"Ya got a lot to pay off." He growls and I
take a step back my eyes darting to his beer bottle. He's never hit me with a glass bottle before I'm still scared that he will.

"I've only got a bit left to get." I tell him and he laughs. I clench me fists and glare at the pissed fucker.

"Ya got a lot to pay off." He repeats and it hits me what he's done.

"Ya fucking gambled it all away didn't ya!" I bellow clenching me fists.

"Dont speak to me like that your piece of shit!" He yells. This ain't fair! Why do I have to slave away for their lazy arses?

"Why'd you fucking have to do that?" I scream. He raises his hand and I feel the burn as his hand smakes against me face. He shoves me to one side and turns back to me and dangerous look in his stupid eyes.

"I'm ya dad you little fuck. You do as I tell ya." He growls before staggering away. Tears sting my eyes as me face burns and I storm to my bedroom that ain't really a bedroom.

Fuck him!

Fuck life!

Fuck everything!

Why dont I get to be happy? What'd I ever do to piss off some great being?

The door swings open to reveal my stupid mun. She stinks of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Bloody life. Can't ya just give me a break?

"Ya need to apologise to ya father." She growls.

"Nah, go fuch yourself." I growl back. She storms into the room and grabs me hair pulling my face close to her's so I can smell the stench of alcohol on her breath.

"Do as your fucking told you ungrateful shit. We've looked after ya taking time out of our lives so you better repay the favor." She grolws before letting me go. She leaves the room and I kick the wall anger flooding through me.

I'll fucking sleep outside tonight.

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