Chapter Fifty-two

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I knock on Seb's door tryin ta ignore the fuckin pain in me head. All of me fucking aches and I feel so sick right now.

"Hey Luca... Ya okay, ya don't look great?" Garry says when he opens the door.

"Hey Garry. Is Seb in?" I ask and he nods.

"He's in his room." He tells me as he steps ta once side ta let me in.

I haven't seen Seb since yesterday when he hit me. I don' really know what happened then but I know that he feels shit about it. He's me best mate so of course I ain't gonna hate him. I guess he just thought he had ta give me space or whatever.

I throw Seb's bedroom door open to find him sittin on his bed starin at the moldy wall.

"Hey." I say as I walk in and sit down on the floor in front if his bed. He watches me and then sighs.

"What ya doin here Luca?" He asks and I shrug.

"Dunno. Maybe comin ta check on me good old mate." I tell him as I pick up a snapped pencil from the floor beside me and start ta pick away at the wood.

"I should be the one checkin on ya." He tells me and I sigh.

"Because ya older?"

"No, because I hurt ya." He states and I roll me eyes.

"Ya didn' hurt me. Ya just caught me off guard." I correct him. He raised an eyebrow at me and I raise one back.



"Why'd ya keep goin ta see Brandon after everythin he did?" I guess I should have expected that shitty question to surface at some point.

"Dunno. I'm weak I guess." I say truthful and he sighs.

"Ya ain't weak. Foolish and thick but ya ain't weak." He says and I pout not sure whether that was a compliment or not.

"Whatever Seb. I just wanted ya ta know that I still love ya like a brother." I tell him as I stand up.

"I love ya too." He tells me and I smile. "Ya already leavin?" He asks as I walk over ta his door.

"Yeah, I gotta go ta work." I tell him and he raises an eyebrow.

"They ain't gonna let ya work."


"Because ya ill."

"I ain't ill." I say stubbornly even though I think he could be fuckin right.

"Whatever." He grumbles.


Seb was fucking right.

I hate sayin that.

I ain't allowed ta work because I'm fucking ill apparently. I don't think I am but I would say that apparently.

I don' really see the problem. Okay, I do work in a veggie shop so if I am ill (which I ain't) then I could spread the shitty illness ta other fuckers.

I'm losin a day's wadge here and no one seems bothered!

I sit down on a bench in the park and sigh. I ache and me head won't stop throbbin. I close me eyes and sigh again.

I feel so sick...


I open me eyes ta see James standing in front of me with a conserned look on his face. I smile at him but he don't smile back.

"You're ill aren't you?" He asks as he sits down next ta me. I go ta shake me head but he holds his hand ta me forehead ta take me temperature.

"I'm fine." I moan but he shakes his head.

"You're boiling hot." He tells me. I stare at him but then shake me head.

"No I ain't."



"Stop being so stubborn." He tells me and I turn away from him feelin annoyed.

"I ain't!" I yell but he only sighs.

"You need to go home and get plenty of bed rest." He tells me and I snort with laughter.

"Like such a thing exists." I point out which causes him ta frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just bein annoyin." I state but he still frowns anyway. We sit in silence for a while not havin anything ta say ta each other.

"Why don't you come to my house for a few hours?" He suggest breaking the silence. I shake me head at his offer and sigh.

"Ya parents fuckin hate me." I remind him and he sighs again.

"They don't know you." He states and I nod. No, they don't but they don't let that stop they from judging me. They see me how everyone else sees me. They don't care ta get ta know me they just judge by how I look. Wrinkled and faded clothes that I've worn five days in a row. Scars and bruises that show that I've been in millions of fights. All they see is the bad parts.

Maybe the bad parts are all there is?

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