Chapter Ten

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"Have you eaten yet today?" Seb asks me and I ignore him. He can fuck right off if he thinks I'm going to talk to him after he shoved me into his shitty car.

Is it too hard for him to see that I just wanna be alone? I dont know why but that shitty rich kid is stuck him brain with his shitty words. Fuck him. Fuck everyone.

"I'll take that as a no then." He growls and I can sense how pissed at me he is. I huff, blowing my bloody hair of of me eyes.

I dont want to anger Seb or piss anyone off it's just that I dont wanna go home. I dont wanna see my pissed parents and I dont want to feel stuck. I always feel so closed in and stuck at the house and I hate it! None of this is fucking fair and I just want it to end.

"What'd you want?" Seb grumbles and I turn to him confused. He point out at the chippy that we're parked outside of and I look back at him surprised.

"Ya kidding man." I say and he rolls his shitty eyes at me.

"I might be well pissed with ya but I ain't letting you starve." He snaps and a small smile spreads on my face no matter how hard I try to hold the fucker back.

"Chips are good thanks." I say trying to act pissed off. He rolls his eyes at me before leaving the car.

The car falls silent and stuff rushes into me brain like water rushes into a boat. That prick from earlier fills me head and I feel more sad then angry. I probably shouldn't have snapped at him since he did save me arse but he was such a clueless little shit that I just got so mad.

The car door flys open and Seb flings himself in shoving a portion of chips into me chest.

"How much do I owe?" I ask as I unwrap the warm food and place a boiling chip into my mouth. "Fuck." I yelp as it burns me tong.

"Nothin'." He days as he starts up the engine again. "Pay your fucking rent before ya pay me."

Right the rent. I'd forgotten about that crap. How am I s'pose to pay it if I cant get money?

"Was the chippy looking for workers?" I ask and Seb shakes his head.

"Nah, how'd you get fired last time anyway?" He asks and I chew on me lip as I glare at him.

"Got into a fight." I mumble as I shove some chips into me mouth.

"Why?" He asks sounding like a parent.

"Some fucker there thought that they could shove me and get away with it." I say anger filling me as I remember the satisfaction in their eyes as I dropped the box I was carrying after he'd shoved me.

"You punched him." Seb says knowing where me story was going.

"Yep, I punched him." I say proudly and Seb smaks the back of my head.

"Fucking idiot." He growls and I glare out the window shoving a few more chips into my mouth.

Yeah, that's me. The fucking idiot.

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