Chapter Two

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I shove my hands into my pockets and hunch my back and I walk down the almost abandoned street.

"Hey, Luca!"

I turn my head to see Oliver walking towards me. His smile falls when he looks at my face.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I ask as he falls into stride next to me.

"What's up with me? More like what's up with you. You look like a zombie." He yells and I roll my eyes.

"Pissed of me old man." I grumble as I try to forget the pain of his fist hitting my face.

"That sucks." Oliver says with a nod. Yeah, he's right is does bloody suck but its life ain't it?

I stop walking and look up at the sky. The sun is blazing down hard but not like it does at midday. It's hot but summer always is hot so I dont know what I expected.

I take my phone out me pocket and check the time on the cracked screen. Three thirty. Schools over.

"Heading to the skate park to meet the gang. Wanna' come?" Oliver asks and I laugh. He always waits till schools over before heading anywhere even though none of us have set foot in school for about a year now.

"Obviously." I say as I roll my eyed at him. Anything to get away from the house is something I dont add. He knows as much as I want him to know and most of that crap he found out on his own.

"Well, come on then man." He sings and I punch his arms.

"Stop being weird." I tell him as he rubs his arm. We laugh as we walk and for the first time in three days I smile and really mean it.

The buds are like my family unlike those stupid excuse for parents. They probably dont even know where I am. Most of the time there so fucking drunk that they dont even know who I am. There crap parents and I'm a crap son so together we create a crap family of misfit and failures.

I dont know why I dont just run away. They'd be lost without me since I'm the only one paying the rent. I guess I'm too much of a bloody coward to leave. Even though I hate it there it's still the place I grew up. Besides, where'd I even go? No one else has room for me and I don't even know what I want in life.

All I want is to not be like them.

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