Chapter Forty-eight

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I stare at me phone in surprise.

Can you please meet me behind the park?

Does he wanna talk? Duh, course he wants ta talk else he wouldn wanna meet up.

I turn off the main Street and start ta head towards the park. I was lookin for work when I received the text and even though finding a shitty job is probably more important I don't give a fuck.


I smile when I see James but he don't smile back. He looks angry and not just ya everyday some arse wouldn't shut up sorta pissed either. He looks like he could fucking murder someone.

"Hey. Ya okay, it's been..."

"Why would you do that?" He snaps angrily. I frown and then look around ta see if there's anyone else he could be talkin ta.

Sadly, it's just me.

"What ya mean?" I ask him. I look up at the sky when I feel a drop of rain hit me face.

Great, now it's fucking raining!

"My mother is traumatized just because you could control your stupid temper!" He roars and I flinch at his sudden volume. What's he talking about?

"What? I haven't done anything." I tell him but he only laughs like a bloody maniac.

"Haven't you? You're the only messed up person who knows where I live." He spits.

"I ain't messed up." I tell him even though I don't believe it. Why the fuck is he suddenly saying all of this shit? He's always said that I'm gonna be okay and that I'm enough. Now he's sayin that I'm a messed up piece of shit. I just don't understand stuff anymore.

"You're always letting your anger control you Luca! How can I believe anything you say?" He yells. I stare at him for a second. What the fuck has happened? I ain't doin anything wrong yet he's fuckin mad at me!

"What's happened?" I ask.

"Like you don't already know." He snaps aggressively.

"Just fuckin tell me!" I yell at him feelin really pissed off.

"You smashed my house windows with a brick!" He yells and I gasp. Someone broke his windows? Some random person smashed his windows. It could have been anyone yet he think its gonna be me. He's supposed ta be me boyfriend!

"I was at work all day!" I scream at him. He blinks in surprise and then gasps.

"You were! Luca, I'm so sorry I..."

"Don't fuckin talk ta me ya prick." I spit. I start to walk away from him not bein able ta keep me tears in any longer. The rain is heavy and everything is wet and cold.

This is a fucking nightmare.

"Please wait Luca." James pleads. He grabs my arm and I instantly pull away from him.

"DON'T FUCKIN TOUCH ME!" I bellow before I run away.

I run until I know that he won't catch up.


I groan as me back hits the wall. Me old man slaps me hard across the face and I wimper from the pain.

"Men don't cry!" He spits. I try ta pull myself together but I just end up sobbin loudly.

I was hopin that no one would notice me come home. That no one would see that I'm fucking cryin. Of course, they saw though. That's just how my fucking life works.

"I'm sorry." I sob loudly causing me old man to hit me again.

"Ya a fuckin waiste of space! Real men don't cry!" He tells me and I nod. I know that it ain't true. Seb told me that everyone can cry when they want but me old man don't think that.

I take in a deep breath and wipe me eyes on me sleeve. I steady me breathin until I'm calm and all me tears are gone.

"The rent is due. Ya better hurry the fuck up." He tells me. Normally I'd just nod and tell him that I'm workin on it but instead, I start ta cry again.


The rain is cold on me face...

I can't run away from any of this...

I have ta get money but no one else will employ me. I don't have anything I can sell...

I don't know what ta do...

James hates me...

Me pissed parents hate me...

Brandon hates me...

I hate me...

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