Chapter Eight

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I cant believe that little shit even spoke to me like that.

Why would I stalk him for fuck sake? If he thinks he's so fucking amazing that everyone's gonna' want to see him then he can fuck right off!

I own no door key.

That's why I was outside. It was late. I was tired and I knew my shits for parents would have locked up leaving me out so what was the point of heading back?

I hunch my back and stare at the ground as I walk down the crowded street.

I pull my phone out of the pocket and try to call Seb.

"Fuck sake." I grumble as the cracked screen doesn't respond to my taping. I raise my hand ready to smash my phone onto the floor the worthless piece of shit when someone grabs my wrist.

I wince and pull away quickly turing around ready to fight.

"I knew this would happen." Seb says as he rolls his eyes at me.

"What the fuck man?" I yell ignoring the glances from the people passing by.

"I came to find you." He yells as he rolls his eyes again. "We knew somethin' had happened and I am not surprised to see you letting ya' anger take over again."

I grumble as I thrust my phone back into my pocket and hunch over again. No one as any fucking clue do they. No one understands the pain I feel every fucking day and I just want that pain to end. It makes me angry how weak I feel and I just want it all to fucking end!

"C'mon man, let's get home." He says his face softening with sympathy. Anger swells up inside of me and I ball me hands into fists.

"No." I say stubbornly.

"What d'ya mean no?" Seb says clearly losing his patience.

"I ain't riding with ya." I say and he hisses through teeth like he's trying real hard not to smash me head in.

"Dont argue with me and get ya stupid arse into my car before I have to stuff you in." He snaps as he points at the scuffed up Honda parked a way down the street.

Seb's older brother, Garry owns a shitting old garage so he gave Seb one of the bashed up cars that no one wanted.

"Piss off Seb." I growl as I turn away and start to walk down the street again. The pain inside of me reaches maximum and I have to do everything in my power not to break down.

"I'm not leaving you to wollow in self pity you arse hole." He says as he grabs me by the arms and starts to pull me along.

I pull away quickly and he turns to me alarmed. I shove my hands in my pockets and try to stare him down hopin' that it will erase any thought he has.

"Luca, we're all worried about you." He says his voice soft. I glare at him and bite down on my bottom lip hating everything about this situation.

Just hating everything in general.

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