Chapter Eleven

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I stare at my ceiling and sigh. Why, oh why am I stuck with the image of that boy firm in my head?

His sharp jaw and scars that litter his face. This golden hair and pail skin. His deep blue eyes that were harsh yet had some sort of hidden love inside.

Why am I feeling this way? He broke into my house! He threatened to end me! He tried to take my families stuff! I mean, I dont even know his name!

Tomorrows the weekend. Maybe I could  go looking for him then? I know that's creepy and I should focus on my life and forget about him but there was just something about him. I also feel bad for not talking to him properly. I did try but maybe I never tried hard enough. I've always been told at school that you never know what others are going through until you ask. He could have a really rough life and maybe he just needs a friend?

Or maybe he's just acting how people like him do act?

I've heard my parents talk about people that act like he acted. They just say that there a waist of space. Now, my parents are generally nice people but they mix more with higher up people meaning that they have a very low opinion of the less fortunate.

Honestly I think they believe that they chose to be that way. That they chose to act 'common' is how they put it.

I dont really think like that. Well, not all the time anyway.

I wonder what the boy is doing now? Probably stuff that people like him do. Stereotypes say that they drink and smoke while committing antisocial crimes. I wonder if those stereotypes are correct? I mean, not everyone from an less fortunate background will do the same things. I'm sure that there are some people who want to get out of that and accomplish something great.

I dont know...

I still dont get why I'm thinking about all of this in such great detail. I cant have fallen for a boy I've only just met.

I sigh and roll onto my side closing my eyes. I remember the sound of the boys voice. I remember the way he always keeps his hands in his pockets.

I need to stop this. Maybe if I talk to him again and see what a horrid human he is the I'll just forget all about him. I'll forget all about him and finally be able to get a good night's sleep! I might be being a tad over dramatic since it has only been about twenty-four hours since I first laid eyes on the boy.

I really should have phrased that better.

So, tomorrow I will go out and I'll find d that boy. I'll invite him to eat lunch with me and then when I see what a messy eater he his and he shows his true colours as a unworthy citizen then I will finally be able to move on and no harm will come to anyone.

Now the only task is to get to sleep so I can actually function tomorrow to proceed with my plan.

Why did this have to happen to me?

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