Chapter Twenty-nine

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"He's probably abandoned ya." Seb says as I check me phone (well, Seb's phone) for the millionth time.

"Fuck off Seb. He got grounded." I snap and he rolls his fucking eyes at me.

"Boys, calm the fuck down! You've been at each others throats for weeks now." Rosa snaps as she stamps on the head of her board causing it to flip up into her hand.

"Seb fucking started it." I grumble causin Rosa to smack me in the head.

"Stop being such a child." She snaps and I growl in annoyance. I sit on one of the ramps and sigh as I stare at Seb's phone.

I know that he's fucking grounded and his bloody parents have probably nicked his phone but I still wish that he'd text me.

Ya got grounded didn ya

I know that he won't reply but I send the dam message anyway.

"He's just gonna leave ya Luca." Seb says as he sits down next ta me. I look up from the phone and glare at him.

"Ya know nothin Seb." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"I know more than ya fucking do." He says and I look away.

"Fuck off." I grumble and he rolls his eyes at me again.

"Ya should stop focusing on that prick and just start lookin out for yourself. If ya can just gain some good money, ya can leave ya parents and try and live on ya own." He says and I can here the sympathy in his fucking voice.

"He makes me happy Seb." I say and I fucking hate how weak I sound. I stand up and walk away from him.

"Happines ain't gonna pay ya fucking rent." He states and I groan. Why can't he just be fucking happy for me? I know that shit has happened in the past but James ain't like that. He ignores me shit and makes me feel happy. I just want Seb to fucking understand.

"Just fuck off Seb. I thought ya would understand!" I yell me anger bubblin up inside if me.

"I'm not seein ya get hurt again! Ya gonna lose everything and..."

"Have either of ya seen Oliver?" Rosa asks interrupting both of us. I stare at her for a second and then the question hit me. I look around and shake me head as I realize that I haven't heard from him all day.

"Nah, I haven't." I say and she nods.

"I texted him but he ain't answering." Rosa tells us as she shows us her cracked phone. There are a million fucking texts leaft unread.

"Fuck." Both Seb and I say at the same time. I go to text him on Seb's phone but he snatches it out of my hand and calls Oliver.

He doesn't fucking answer!

"Luca, you search over there and Rosa, you over there. I'll go ta his house." Seb orders and for once I don't try to fight against him.

"Kay." I say before he both rush off. I would call Oliver's names but he ain't a fuckin dog.

I look in the ally where all the dodgy deals take place and in the car park where all of the fights happen.

I've been in fights in the car park before. No one really parks their car there so it's the perfect area for a fight. No one ever goes there anyway so we can beat the shit out of each other if we want. There's also enough space there to have a proper fight without havin ta hold back.

I check Garry's garage and the near Oliver's house but I can't find him anywhere.

Where the fuck has he gone?

I head down the road back towards the skate park to meet with Seb and Rosa but something ahead chatches me eye.

A large group of people are headed me way. I recognise the leader of the group instantly...


"What ya fucking want?" I snap as he stops a little way in front of me. I glare at him and shove my hands inta me pockets.

"Found ya little friend." He tells me as he points at a guy and a girl holding Oliver in place.

"Fuck sake Brandon! Ya such a dick!" I snarl at him but keep starin at Oliver who's watching me with consern on his face.

"Nah, your the dick Luca!" He growls and me hands tighten into fists.

"Fucking fight me!" I yell me temper rising as I notice a bruise on Olivers face. That dick hurt him and I'm gonna make him fucking pay!

"No Luca don't! He's got a knife!" Oliver screams and I turn back to Brandon who only fucking laughs.

"I ain't gonna use that yet!" He cackles.

"What ya mean?" I ask but before he answers I feel someone grab me from behind. I turn me head ta see two of his fucking followers (or whatever he calls them) holdin me in place.

Brandon tightens his hand into a first and punches me hard in the face!

"Too chicken ta fight me are ya?" I growl even though I know it ain't gonna do anything.

"Ya made me look like a shit at the chippy when we fought. I'm gonna make ya pay!" He snaps as he hits me again. I hear Oliver yell and I grunt but I refuse to give in.

"Ya don't need me ta look like a shit Brandon. Ya do that just fine on ya own." I say and he growls in anger. He lifts his knee up it smacks into me stomach.

His friends drop me and I drop to me knees gaspin for air. Before I have time to react his foot meets me head and I roll across the floor grunting in pain.

"LUCA!" Oliver screams and I try to push myself up but I just can't. Through blurred vision I see Brandon grab the knife and walk toward me with a smile on his face.

Then, me vision goes and I lose consciousness.

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