Chapter Fifty-nine

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"So, what happend with the police?" I ask Luca as we walk down the street hand in hand. It's starting to get dark but I told my parents that I would be out late helping a friend. It doesn't really matter though since they're both out working late.

"Nothing much." He says with a shrug like it's nothing and maybe it is to him. He seems so unfazed by things that would completely destroy me inside.

"You're not going to prison are you?" I ask him nervously. Luca may be tough but I don't think he's tough enough to survive it there. He can be too shut off and violent for his own good and that wouldn't merit him well locked up.

"Nah, not today anyway." He says like it's nothing to him like everything else that is important.

"I don't ever what you to go." I tell him as I squeeze his hand. Luca is my safe place. My rock in a raging river. Throughout everything he has stood by my side. He has protected me from a lot of bullying by hurting Darren and even though what he did was wrong, it's still admirable. He fought back against everything and despite what anyone else has said said, he's fought for the people he cares for.

"I don't wanna go either. Can't skateboard in that shit hole." He says like it's all just a joke.

"I like this." I suddenly blurt out earning myself a very confused look from Luca.

"Talkin about prision?" He questions and I let out a breath of laughter.

"No, us." I tell him as I raise his hand to my mouth and kiss it's rough surface gentaly.

"I like us too." He tells me and I smile at him. We stop walking and I stare into his stunning eyes as he stares into mine. He's such a dashing boy and yet people can't see past the violence or swearing.

"I love you." I tell him like I did the day I finally stood up to Darren Western and Luca overheard.

"I love you too." He tells me before our lips press together bringing us into a passionate kiss.


I can't keep my mind on my school work. Not after what happend the last time Luca and I saw each other.

Our kiss grew more and more passionate and then we went back to my house and... And...

I can't believe it!

Of course, I'm happy about this. I mean, I love Luca so much and I was definitely ready, I just can't focus now. All I can think about is seeing Luca again.

I hope it's not awkward between us after what happend. I don't see why it would be but you never know. What if he wasn't ready like he said he was or if something else was wrong?

No, I need to focus on my maths teacher and not on the fact that I lost my virginity the other night. Well, that's easier said then done.


"Hey." Luca says as I sit down on the bench next to him. I shuffle around awkwardly and he laughs.

"What?" I ask feeling my face heat up into a blush.

"Ya know what." He says but I shake my head.

"No... No, I don't." I tell him and he smiles a little.

"Stop acting weird because we fucked." He says and I groan at the way he put it. Couldn't he have said it slightly nicer then that?

"Sorry." I mummble as I push all of my doubts away and smile at him to show that I'm over worrying. I'm not over worrying but he doesn't need to know that. He'll think I'm a loser if he found out that I spend pretty much every minute of every day worrying about something or other.

"How was school?" He asks taking the subject away from any awkward conversations.

"Good." I tell him and he nods.

"No one givin ya trouble?" He asks and I nod thankfully.

"Nope. I think the stress of exams is getting to everyone." I tell him and he laughs like that's the most stupid thing he's heard all day.

"Ya got months till exams." He states and I nod before a worrying thought suddenly hits me.

"What are you going to do for your exams if you don't go to school?" I ask him but he only shrugs.

"Dunno. I got years yet though." He states and I frown as a realisation suddenly hits me.

"Luca, how old are you?" I ask mentally hitting myself for not asking this question sooner. He's just so independent that I always assumed that he was my age or older. Now I'm unsure.

He sighs.

"Fourteen." He tells me and I gasp in horror.

"Fourteen." I repeat not being able to wrap my head around this new information.

"I'm gonna be fifteen in December though." He tell me but I shake my head not feeling any reasurence by that fact.

"But we..."

"Fucked? Yeah, don't worry about it, it weren't me first time." He says like it's nothing. I stare at him for a second but then shake my head still not being able to believe this.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask and he sighs again.

"Would ya have treated me differently?" He asks instead of answering my question.

"Probably. It's a fifteen months difference between us." I tell him but he only shurgs again.

"Means nothing ta me." He states and I sigh.

"You're not at the age of consent yet." I remind him but he just shrugs again for the thousandth time today.

"Don't care." He says and I sigh again. "Also, my favourite colours yellow." He randomly states and I blink at him in surprise.


"Well, since we're sharin I just thought I should tell ya." He says like it's nothing.

"Yellow?" I ask and he nods. I would never have guessed that. Luce seems more of a red or blue sort of person, not yellow.

"Not mustard yellow though, that's shit. Lemon yellow and that crap." He explains and I nod. How did our conversation get to this?

"I like green. The green of tree leaves that is." I tell him and he nods.

"Pretty cool." He says and I smile in thanks. Luca smiles back but then his smile falls as his eyes focus on something behind me.

"What?" I ask him too scared to turn around. Am I a coward? Yes, yes I am.

"We should go." He states as he gets up and grabs my hand to pull me up.

"Why?" I ask him as terror starts to settle into me.

"We're being watched." He tells me as he starts to drag me along, my hand in his.

"Why?" I ask my voice shaking.

"Either Brandon or homophobes." He says grimly and I swallow nervously.

"What do we..."

"Well, well, well. Don't you two look very happy together."

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