Chapter Fifty-six

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I pull up outside the station and sigh. What the fuck Luca?

"Remember, yelling at him is just gonna make everything worse." Oliver tells me and I nod.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I say even though I dunno if I can stop myself from havin a go at him. He got arrested for fuck sake!

We sit in the car for a little while before Luca leaves the police department. He finds the car and throws the back door open. He slumbs in with a huff and then shuts the door.

"Fuck sake Luca! What's ya fuckin problem?" I yell angrily.

"What did I literally just say?" Oliver cries but I ignore him.

"Just take me ta James." Luca snaps impatiently. I'm not going through this shit again. He's done this too many times and gotten away with it. Someone needs ta teach him that this is shitty of him.

"Nah, we're talking." I say looking at him through the mirror. He looks at me and grumbles somethin under his breath.

"Seb..." He grumbles but I shake me head. He can pull the victim act all he likes. I ain't buyin it no more.

"Ya do this every fuckin time life ain't goin ya way. Grow the fuck up Luca, ya ain't a snotty kid no more!" I yell.

"One, I was never snotty and two, that dick is the reason James is hurtin!" He yells back makin me even more angry. He never listens ta me. He never takes my advice and that's why he's here.

I pretty much raised him the ungreatful shit!

"That's James problem not yours. Ya have to focus to protected yourself and gettin outa that shitty house. Ya need ta focus on gettin enough cash so ya can move away from ya parents." I bellow. We sit in silence for a second or two before Luca opens the door again.

"I'm walkin." Is all he says before he slams the door shut behind him and walks off with his hands in his pockets.

"Ya should go after him." Oliver says but I shake me head.

"He ain't my responsibility." I state. I know I'm bein stubborn but I don't give a shit.

"I'm not saying he is. He's ya friend and I know that ya care about him." He tells me softly. I stare at him and then sigh. Oliver has a way of makin me do stuff I don't wanna. He's so kind and loving that he makes me wanna be a better man so I deserve him.

"Fine." I grumble. I get out me car and hurry down the street in Luca's direction. Why do I have ta apologize when I did nothin wrong? Ain't Luca the one that started it by getting bloody arrested?

I reach forward and grab Luca's arm pulling his hand out of his pocket. He turns around so fast that I almost jump in surprise.

"Oh, it's only ya." He says relaxing. Who'd he think it was?

"I'm sorry I yelled but ya shouldn't have gotten yourself arrested." I say expectin him ta yell or hit me. He does neither.

Luca sighs and then leans his forehead against me chest (he's shorter then me). I look at him for a second and then smile. No matter what he doesn, he's still the small kid that was too brave for his own good.

"I dunno what I'm supposed ta do Seb. Everything's so fuckin messed up." He says his voice small and quiet. I pat his head and he looks up at me.

"Ya do what ya always do Luca. Ya fight." I tell him but he only frowns more.

"Fightings what got me here in the first place." He reminds me and I smile at his stupidity. Maybe he shouldn't have dropped outa school like I did.

"I don't mean physical." I tell him and he nods as he finally understands.

"It's fuckin hard." He tells me and I nod even though I have no idea of the pain he's in. Me parents died but from what I remember and what Garry says, I know that they were lovely people despite bein in a gang. I've never been constanltly beaten by the people that are supposed ta love and care for me.

"Ya strong." I remind him.

"Ha! Doubt it." He snorts.

"Take the fuckin complement Luca and get ya arse back onta me car. I'll take ya ta see ya stuck up boyfriend." I grumble.

"He ain't stuck up. Ya a dick ya know?" He tells me as we start to walk back ta the car.

"I know." I say feelin way too proud about it.

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