Chapter Thirty-one

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Let Seb be fucking angry, I don't care.

I shuffle around as I look up and down the street. I have no clue what James looks like so hopefully he'll see me.

A few seconds later, I see a boy start to run down the road in my direction. He looks out of breath so it's clear that he rushed out in a hurry.

"Are you Rosa?" He asks me as he stops in front of me breathing heavily.

"Yep. I'm glad ya came." I tell him. He looks around in confusion as he takes in Seb and Garry's garage.

"Is everything okay?" He asks as he looks around me like he's hoping to see Luca nearby. Well, at least Luca has finally found himself a half decent man.

"Nah, not really. Ya best come in and see for yourself." I tell him as I turn on my heals and start to head back inside. I know that Seb is gonna freak that I've brought James into his home but I don't fucking care.

"Hey Seb, James is here!" I scream and I instantly hear Seb growl in anger.

"What the fuck Rosa!" He screams as he storms out of the lounge and over to James and I.

"He's his boyfriend Seb." I tell him feeling no fear towards Seb no matter how angry he is or how much taller then me he is.

"Is Luca okay?" James asks panic clear in his voice. I sigh and then shove past Seb who growls in annoyance but doesn't say anything else in protest.

James gasps when he sees Luca laying on the sofa. He hasn't woken up from Brandon's attack yet but I feel like he will soon. His head was bleeding and he has a cut on his face from where Brandon tried to fucking stab him (he only failed thanks to Seb and I arriving just in time).

"Is he okay?" James asks as he rushed to Lucas side.

"Yeah, should be." I tell him as I flop down onto a chair and sigh.

"What happened to him?" James asks as he turns back to look at Seb and I.

"Brandon attacked him." Oliver says from the doorway. He'd been resting in Seb's room after the events of today but must have woken up after hearing all of the yelling.

"Wait, what?" James explains and Seb huff's in annoyence.

"Brandon attacked Luca, it's as easy as that." Seb grunts.

"Did you call the police? The ambulance?" James asks and we all sigh in synchronization.

"No, the police don't care and Lucas fine." I tell him. This ain't the first time one of us have gotten ourselves inta trouble and the police have never cared about it. We're a bunch of messed up kids, living messed up lives, in a messed up world. Who would care about that?

"I think that you should call them." James says stubbornly.

"We've committed more crimes then Brandon has." Seb deadpans and I glare at him.

"Way to make a good first impression." I grumble and he shugs.

"Don't want to make a good fucking impression." Seb grumbles.


All heads turn to Luca who groans and rolls over. Of course his first word when waking up is gonna be fuck.

"Luca! Are you alright?" James asks as Luca sits up rubbing his head.

"James? What the fuck are ya doin here?" Luca asks and I smirk as Seb grunts in annoyence.

"I invited him." I say proudly which makes Luca laugh. He looks at Seb who rolls his eyes and grunts again in annoyance.

"Ya were almost fucking stabbed Luca." Seb says sounding pissed off about it. It's moments like these where I wonder if Seb is pissed of at Brandon or Luca.

"WHAT?" James screams as he looks at us all.

"Yeah, I bet I look so fuckin lame." Luca says shaking his head. Seb smacks Lucas head causing Luca to glare at him.

"Ya could have died!" He reminds him but Luca just continues to glare.

"Yeah, and I just woke up from getting me head hurt and ya fucking smack me!" He exclaims making me laugh.

"None of this is funny. Brandon should just move on." Oliver says.

"Ya okay Oliver?" Luca asks him and he nods but doesn't say a word. Oliver has been quiet ever since we got here which makes me think that Brandon may have said something to him.

A phone buzz slices through the silence of the room and James pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"My parents want me home. They say it's a family emergency." He says as he reads the message.

"I'll walk ya." Luca tells him but James shakes his head.

"No way. You need to rest." He tells Luca.

"Relax. I'm good." He tells him. James opens his mouth to protest again but Luca kisses him stopping any sound from coming out.

"Smooth." I say and Luca smiles proudly. He then jumps off the sofa like he hadn't just been unconscious and marches across the room to the door. He turns to look at James who hasn't moved since Luca kisses him and smiles.

"Ya coming or what?" He asks and James nods before following Luca out of the door.

"Don't ever fucking come back!" Seb calls after him and I smack his arm in response.

"You need to be nicer." I tell him but he only shakes his head and leaves the room. I roll my eyes and sigh before I close my eyes.

Seb is like a big brother to Luca and I (him and Oliver are in love with each other even though neither of them seem to see it.) so he's always been there for us. He has protected us and probably always will but I think that he worries too much. I know how much he cares and that he just wants what's best but he's refusing to let go of everything else that has happened. He appears horrid and cruel to everyone but they just don't know the real him.

Seb, your too good to us!

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