Chapter Forty-one

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I stare at my wall as I replay everything my parents said to me. They warned me about Luca. They said that he would drink alcohol and take illegal substances. That he would be violent and aggressive.

That he'd be dangerous!

They know nothing about him but because he looks and speaks like that they just assume that.

I wonder if Luca suffers from this a lot.

As far as I know, Luca has never gotten drunk or high. He is a violent person but I feel like that's more to do with his up bringing then anything else. Children are influenced by the people around them so maybe his parents have that sort of personality as well?

I sigh and pick up my phone to see a message from Rosa. It's weird that I know all of Luca's friends yet he doesn't know Becky. I'll have to introduce them sometime.

I feel my face heat up as I stare at the picture Rosa just sent. She must have taken it while Luca and I were sleeping.

We're lying on the floor snuggling into each other. We look content and peaceful (I have to admit that Luca looks extreamly beautiful when he sleeps).

Thaught ya would like the pic

The caption reads with a winking face emoji next to it. I smile and save the picture into a new folder on my phone. I pause for a second and then name the file with the photo in Luca with a love heart either side of his name. It may be a cringy thing to do but I smile at it anyway.


I have been around the city before. Well, I've seen every part with wealth and a low crime rate but never the other part...

The part where Luca lives.

I never really thought about looking around there. To be honest, I think I neglected the fact that this place even exists. I've spent so long living in my world of wealth and comfort that I've turned a blind eye to all the people that are suffering.

I texted Luca to ask if he wanted to show me around but he never answered. I guess he's busy with something.

The streets are pretty empty. I see a wonky eyed cat with matted fur stalk across the road and feel sympathy to the homeless creature. I would take it in but I'm not allowed any pets.

I walk past the garage but then stop when I remember that it's Seb's family business. I remember coming here to see Luca after his fight with Brandon.

I see a man working on a car. He looks quite similar to Seb. They have the same body shape and hair colour. He turns to look at me and I note that his eyes are a shade darker then Seb's.

"Ya Luca's boyfriend ain't ya?" He asks and I nod taking a step forward into the garage.

"Yeah, that's me." I tell him and he nods.

"Well, ya seen pretty decent. I'm glad." He tells me and I smile, desiding to take that as a complement.

"Thank you." I say and he nods before looking back at the car he's working on.

I watch him work for a few minutes, not sure what to do or say. I feel awkward just standing here but he doesn't really seem fazed by my presents.

"Have you seen Luca today?" I ask him but he shakes his head.

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