Chapter Forty

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James looks from the board to me and then back to the board with a strange look.

"You want me to stand on a skateboard?" He asks and I nod. He raises an eyebrow at me and I smile.

"Ya can do it. The standin parts the easiest. Wait 'til ya want to try some tricks. They're fuckers ta learn." I reasure him and he sighs not really looking reasured.

"There is no way I can stand on it." He tells me taking a step back.


"Because, it has wheels." He says and I raise an eyebrow at him.


"I'll just fall off."

"Ya gonna be fine." I reasure him and he sighs as he realises that there's no gettin outa this.

James places one foot on the board where I showed him and he takes a need breath in and lifts the other off the ground.


"Why are you laughing at me?" James asks from the floor which only makes me laugh more. I flop onto the floor next to him and start to roll around with uncontrollable laughter.

"Ya fucking tragic!" I snort and he frowns. He rolls into his side so he's facing me and I do the same. I gaze inta his dark eyes and then pock his forehead.

"You can't blame me for falling. I've never stood on a skateboard before." He tells me and I nod.

"Understandable." I say and he giggles a little.

"Wow, that's a pretty big word for you." He states and I smile.

"Yeah, well ya shitty poshness has started to rub off on me." I tell him before be both sigh. We stare inta each others eyes not really knowing what ta say for a few minutes 'til he finally say:

"Why do you swear so much?" He asks me.

"Dunno. Always have." I tell him and he stares at me with a strange look for a few seconds.

"I've never swore." He admits.

"Well, try livin me life for a day without sayin fuck, shit or crap and I'll give ya a medal." I tell him which wipes the beautiful smile off of his face.

"Are things really that bad for you?" He asks and I shake me head.

"Nah, I'm just bein dramatic. There are loads of people with it worse. I'm lucky." I tell him. I just have to keep tellin myself that and maybe it will come fucking true.

I'm lucky...

So very lucky...

I'm fucking lucky!

James moves his hand so that his fingers slowly glide over my jaw bone. He frowns and I know that he's found the bruis I got yesterday.

"Who hit you?" He asks consern in his voice. I hate consern. It's just another form of pity and pity is crappy.

"It's nothing." I tell him but he don't look convinced.

"You always say that." He points out and I shrug.

"It's true." I tell him and he sighs. He pushes himself up a little and then kisses my jaw where the bruis is.

"Better?" He asks and I smile at how lame he is. This is probably the crappiset thing every yet it feels like the world belongs to us.

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