Chapter Twenty-four

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I've known Luca for a month now. We go out every weekend and sometimes I walk him to work just to squeeze in some extra time with him.

I know that I am definitely in love with him.

Becky's been acting slightly strange lately but says that she's fine. I don't know whether to believe her or not but I dont want to push it. Her dad has been pushing her extra hard recently so maybe she's just tired?

I flick through my revision booklet to find the page I need and then start writing notes and colour coding them with my favourite highlighters. I haven't been revising as much now that I'm spending a lot of time with Luca so theses home revision sessions are important.

I start to write out the chemical equation for photosynthesis when my phone buzzes. I ignore it though because my study time is important if I want to get good grades.

I move onto writing about osmosis and diffusion when my phone buzzes again and again and again. I groan at it but carry on ignoring it. It's probably Becky or someone at school asking for revision lessons. Luca doesn't finish work for another hour so I know that it isn't him.

I move on from biology and take a new piece of paper to start my chemistry. I start to balance an equation when my phone starts to buzz again. I groan and finally pick it up from the table.

I was expecting to see a million texts about revision help. I was not expecting to see a million desperate texts from Luca.

Do ya want to walk
Ya in bed
No ya probably studyin or somethin
I need help
I've been an idiot
Fuck life
Sorry James
Ya really like ta study
I'm a dick
I've done somethin
Why am I pesterin ya
Sorry again

I stare at all the texts reading them and then re-reading them. Whatever's happened, Luca's in a state about it. I go to type something to him but them stop myself. Typing isn't going to solve anything. I click on the small phone icon and hold the phone to my ear as it starts to ring and my heart starts to beat faster and faster.

"Hey." Says a very defeated and annoyed sounding Luca. I let out a sigh of relief that he's still alive.

"Hello. What's happened?" I ask him and I hear him sigh.

"Got fired." He tells me and I chew my lip nervously. I know that this job ment a lot to him. Well, I don't think he liked the work bit but he said that he desperately needed money for something so I know that it was important.

"Why?" I ask and there's a long pause before he finally speaks again.

"Some fucker pissed me off and I sorta punched him." He says quietly and I sigh not really knowing what to say.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Park. Why?" He asks sounding confused and I smile at how sweet he can be.

"I'll be there in a second." I tell him before I hang up. I pull my jacket on and race down the stairs and into the dinning room where both of my parents are working on something.

"James? Is everything alright?" My mother asks and I nod.

"Yes, Becky just wondered if I could go an see her so I thought I'd come and ask." I tell them and they both nod. I haven't told them about Luca because I know that they wouldnt be happy. It's not that he's a bad person or that they don't want me to have boys and friends it's just that he's different. They'd class him as different and instantly take a disliking to him and I really don't want that to happen to him.

"Okay dear. Just be back before dark." My father says and I smile in appreciation before leaving. I slip my shoes on and race out of the front door and towards the park.

I reach the park breathless since I ran pretty much all of the way. I glance around and see Luca sitting on a swing. He's stareing at the ground while swinging himself gently back and forth.

"Hello Luca." I say as I approach and his head snaps up and looks at me.

"Hey... Ya didn' have to come ya know?" He says and I nod as I sit on the swing next to him.

"So what exactly happened?" I ask and he sighs looking down at the ground again.

"I was takin' orders and stuff like normal when this fucker came in lookin' for a fight. He said some shit about me bein' a crap worker so I went around the desk so I could face him. He said I was worthless so I punched him in the fuchin' nose. The dick deserved it but no one sees that." He explains and I nod sadly. He's right about that last part. Because of how Luca sometimes acts or speaks it's easy to get the wrong impression about him and it's not fair.

"Why did he start having a go at you? Did you know him?" I ask trying to get to the bottom of this. He sighs and chews on his bottom lip.

"Yeah... He's an ex." Luca says and I stare at him in shock. Luca has never really mentioned his past relationships before, but something must have happened to make his ex storm in to his work place and verbally attack him.

"Why would he hate you that much?" I ask curiously.

"We didn' end too well. He never really liked me like I liked him. He said I was desperate and stupid and he used that. I'd probably still be with the fucker if it weren't for Seb." He explains and I look at him sympathetically.

"That's horrid Luca. He shouldn't of used you like that." I tell him and he shrugs.

"He's called Brandon." He tells me and I nod taking in this new information.

"How did you meet him?" I ask and he sighs sadly.

"Skate park. He said I was talented and I thought the fucker ment it. Ya can laugh if ya want, I know I'm stupid." He grumbles but I shake my head.

"I could never think your stupid." I tell him and he stares at me, clearly surprised.

"Why not?" He asks and I chew my lip thinking for everything I could say to him.

"Because your not stupid Luca. You put yourself down so much and I hate it because you deserve to be so much nicer to yourself. I don't know everything about you but from what I do know, I know that your a lovely person that I'd do anything for." I blurt out. I feel heat colour my skin red but I don't look away from him like I normally do. Instead, I stare at him showing him how much I mean it.

"Ya really mean that?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have said it else. I'm not like Brandon." I tell him and then I gasp as I see tears sparkle in his ocean blue eyes. He stands up from the swing and for a moment I think he's about to run away and leave me but instead he walks over to me.

Then he leans forward and his soft lips land on mine.

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