Chapter Sixty-four

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I watch Seb as he skateboards trying to make it look like I'm watching something else.

Seb has always been so strong and tough yet I'm not any of those things. I want to be cooler so he'll like me but I know that's impossible.

"Ya okay?" He asks me as he flips his skateboard inta his hand and sits down next ta me.

"Yep. You?" I ask and he nods like he always does. I'm starting to think that Seb's either always okay or he just lies all the time. It's probably the second.

"Quiet ain't it." He states and I nod.

"It's because Luca and Rosa are missing." I tell him and he nods.

"Rosa went ta see Becky and who knows where Luca is. He's probably fucking up somewhere." He grumbles and I frown.

"You should try ta be nicer ta him. He is trying." I say and Seb sighs.

"I know." He mutters like he don't want to talk about it.

"Seb! Oliver!"

We both turn around ta see Rosa running towards us looking alarmed.

"What's wrong?" I ask her worriedly as she stops.

"Becky is really upset and I don't know what to do." She explains and Seb rolls his eyes. Sometimes I think he has no emotions other then annoyed and grumpy.

"That's it?" Seb asks and Rosa glares at him before shaking her head.

"James and Luca were attacked yesterday. They're both at James house. Becky says they're both pretty banged up." She tells us and I gasp in horror. Who would attack two inocent people? Well, one inocent person and Luca. I don't think Luca's every been inocent.

"That fucking twat!" Seb roars before he rushes off.

"Where are you going?" I yell as I hurry after him along with Rosa.

"Ta find out who fucking hurt Luca!" He growls angrily and I can't help but smile. It really is obvious that Seb really cares about Luca.

"You care about him." I state and Seb stops running.

"He's like a brother ta me Oliver. I pretty much raised him." He tells me and I nod.

"I know." I say softly.

"I'll meet you guys outside James house." Rosa says before leaving with a smirk on her face. Is she trying ta leave us alone together?

"I care about Luca." Seb tells me and I nod again.

"I know." I say again and he sighs.

"But not like I care about ya." He says and I stare at him not understanding. He cares for Luca like a brother while I'm just his friend. I know the love is different so why is he telling me?

"I don't understand." I say trying to get him to explain himself ta me. He looks at me for a second but then turns away. I can't let him leave without explaining. I have ta know what he ment.

I grab his sleeve and he turns back ta look at me. I gulp down a lungful of air before I shuffle forward and stand on my tip toes. I press my lips against his and then pull away quickly my face burning red.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I whisper as I let go of his sleeve and back away awkwardly.


"It's fine. I understand." I say trying not to cry. I was wrong, he doesn't feel that way about me at all. I've ruined our friendship and he's going to hate me forever.

I was an idiot thinking that someone like Seb would like someone like me.

"If you would just..."

"I'm sorry." I whisper not being able to force a lot of sound out. I feel suffocated right now. I've ruined everything. I'm so stupid.

Suddenly, Seb closes the distance and wraps his arms around my waist. He leans his head down and I move mine up to meet him in the middle without even having to think about it.

Our lips meet and I feel a warm feeling fill me up and make me feel light like I'm floating.

Seb does like me back. He wasn't horrified by the kiss. He likes me like I like him.

Our lips part and he rest his forehead against mine.

"I've wanted this for a long time." He tells me and my heart hammers in my chest at the thought of Seb looking at me the same way I look at him.

"Me too." I tell him and he smiles like that's all the reasurence he needs. He moves away from me and takes my hand in his, brings it up to his lips and kisses it.

"We should go find out who hurt Luca." He tells me and I nod.

"Okay." I say. We don't rush this time. Seb walks at the pace my short legs can manage and together, hand in hand, we make our way to James house.

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