Chapter Seventy-three

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I shove through the crowd after Luca as panic starts to take over.

Something was definitely wrong with him but what? Is is unwell? Hasn't he eaten enough today? Is he hurt in some way? Knowing Luca all three of those are true.

I get outside. The night air is cold yet refreshing and makes me feel awake suddenly. Alive even.

I turn and walk a little way before I find Luca sitting on a bench gasping for air like he's hyperventilating. I hurry towards him as I note his pale complection and glazed over eyes.

"Luca?" I say not knowing what else to do. He shakes his head clearly too breathless to say anything. I chew on my bottom lip and think to what helps me when I'm like this. When I'm too panicked to breath.

I sit down next to him and pull him into an embrace so his head is resting against my chest.

"Just focus on my voice Luca." I tell him as I look around for something to talk about to keep him distracted. "Isn't the night sky beautiful? I used to love stars when I was little and I always wanted to visit them." I tell him as I stare up at the midnight blue sky filled with stars like someone poked holes into a black piece of paper and shone a white light through it.

"What about now?" Luca asks as he wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

"What about today?" I say back and he laughs a little which makes me smile.

"You remember?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course. I didn't expect that to be the sort of music you like but now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense." I say and he looks at me with wild blue eyes. I kiss his forehead and hold him tightly as we gaze up at the picturesque sky.

I talk to Luca as he watches the sky and I watch has his eyes stop shinning as he slips away into whatever dark thought he often disappears to. I shake him slightly snapping him back to reality.

"I thought I'd lost you for a moment." I say as the twinkle returns and he looks at me with confusion.

"Sorry." He whispers and I frown.

"What for?" I ask and he sighs.

"Ruinin ya night." He tells me as he rubs at his arm absentmindedly.

"You know I didn't want to be there anyway." I say and he nods slowly but doesn't look convinced.

"I'm so stupid." He finally says but I shake my head.

"No you're not." I tell him but he shakes his head and sits up staring down at the path. "Why did you leave though?" I ask him.

He shrugs.

Luca is a strange boy I've known that since the day he broke into my house and told me not to call the police because it's uncool. What would bother him this much? The people clearly aren't the problem because he can fight his way out of any situation but something in there scared him.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his temple before it hits me. Luca always smells of alcohol and inside it was all you could smell. I stare at the boy before me and start to put two and two together.

Dread fills me up and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Your parents abuse you don't they." I say and instantly regret it. I should have said that in a nicer way. Luca tenses without even saying anything and I instantly know that I'm right. I reach for him but he flinches away which makes my heart ache for him.

All of those times he's avoided questions about his parents and all of those bruises he has. All of this pain and hurt. I never saw the complete picture before but now I do. I see now that I have to save him. I'll be the knight and he'll be the dashing prince in danger. I'll save him and we'll live happily ever after.

If only life was that simple.

"Let me help..."

"No!" He snaps colder then I've ever heard him before.

"If we tell Seb and the others then maybe..."

"They already know."

"What?" The people Luca's closest too know about this constant abuse yet they've kept it a secret and allowed it to happen. They've left Luca in this situation to die when they're supposed to love him.

"Look James, I know ya mean well an all but don't. I don't wanna make a fuss and I don't need ya help. I'm dealin with it." He tells me but I shake my head surprised at how quick he is to turn down my help.

"You shouldn't have to deal with it." I state and he sighs like he's too tired to be dealing with me and this situation right now.

"I know but it's what it is." He mummbles as he leans against me again and rest his head on my shoulder.

"When did it start?" I ask and he shrugs before sighing.

"They never had a good up bringing and shit and I think they thought a kid would fix their fuckin worthless lives. They were wrong and boom, they've now got me ta deal with. Me old man hit me first when I was five I think." He explains and his words make my heart ache. He thinks he's the person no one wants. His parents are too lazy and malicious to care for him and provide him with the love he needs.

"Luca, I'm..."

"Sorry? For what? Being the only person ta make me feel like I'm worth somethin?" He asks and I sigh.

"You are worth something. You are a brilliant human." I tell him and he nods even though I doubt he believes it.

"So are you." He says dreamily like he's no longer present in his own mind anymore. "So are you."

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