Chapter Twenty-six

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Luca never showed up.

I've been texting Luca again and again hoping that he will answer but he doesn't. I've phoned him but it just goes straigh to voice mail.

I'm worried...

I'm worried that he didn't like the kisses or that he doesn't want to date me. Of course I know that he's the one that kissed me both times but I still can't help but wonder. I have this horrid feeling that I've messed everything up and now he doesn't want to be my friend anymore let alone boyfriend.

I tend to push that thought out of my head though because I know that Luca's no like that. He would tell me if he didn't want to date and he'd be honest about every reason for that decision.

The real thing that I'm worried about is that something may have happened to him. He hasn't replyed it any messages or calls and I haven't seen him about. There was a time when he would wait near my school and walk me home but he hasn't done that at all.

It's been four days now...

I take my phone out of my pocket and sigh at the lack of reply to my many messages.

Hello Luca. I'm worried about you. Please just tell me that your alright...

I send the message that is pretty much identicall to the others I've been sending him. I sigh and slip my phone back into my pocket.

I've just finished school for the week and I was hoping to spend the weekend with Luca but at this rate I have no idea when I'll seen him again, if ever.

I'm about to cross the road when someone catches my eye. I turn away from the traffic lights and watch a short boy walk down the street blathering on about something to Seb.

I bolt after them not caring about the fact that Seb doesn't like me. I have to know where Luca is and if I've scared him off.

"Seb!" I call and he turns away from the boy and groans at the sight of me. He turns to walk away but I reach him and block off his path.

"What'd ya fucking want?" He snaps and I smile innocently.

"Where s Luca?" I ask and he looks at me clearly annoyed but also with a hint of confusion.

"Why'd ya want ta know?" He snaps making it clear that he knows the missing boys location.

"Because I'm worried." I say. I desid not to mention the kiss for the minute. I'll use that as a last resort.

"Luca should be at..."

"None of ya business." Seb snaps cutting off the other boy. The boy looks at Seb confused and then nods in understanding.

"Seb, I dont think he's a bad person." The boy says as he looks me up and down.

"He just wanna use Luca like everyone else Oliver. I refuse to let him break again. I refuse to have to pick up the pieces." Seb snaps at the boy - Oliver - and the boy sighs but then nods.

I dont like what they're saying. Well, of course I don't like it because they're speaking poorly of me but the main thing I hate is hearing what's happened to Luca. Seb keeps talking like he believes that everyone is going to hurt Luca. The way he makes it sound makes me feel horrid inside at the list of possible things that he could mean. Luca said that Brandon and him parted because Brandon never really liked him but I never really got the whole story.

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