Chapter Fifty-seven

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I stand with James while we wait for Seb, Oliver and Luca to arrive at the park. A few minutes ago I got a message from Rosa saying that Luca was coming which I guess is a good sign. At least he's not behind bars yet.

"I hope he's not in too much trouble." James says sounding frightened. It's hard enough sometimes having Rosa as a girlfriend so I dread to think what Luca's like. They're both wonderful people but they do have a way with making us worry.

Rosa has never gotten on with her mum but now everything is worse. I don't know what's happened but I'm guessing it's bad. Rosa just doesn't seem like herself lately and I'm seeing her less and less. I feel as though I should be there for her but I don't know how.

How do you help someone who doesn't want helping?

I sigh and James turns to me. He looks at me and then sighs as well.

"Relationship trouble?" He asks and I nod even though it's just the tip of the iceberg.

"I wouldn't say relationship trouble. More like angsty girlfriend trouble." I clarify and he laughs.

"Tell me about it. I have angsty boyfriend trouble." He tells me and I nod. I guess this is what we get for dating whomever we want.

"Hey!" Oliver calls as he, Seb and Luca walk towards us. James smiles and rushes over to Luca but I stay where I am feeling slightly disappointed to see that Rosa isn't with them. She said that she wouldn't be but I still hoped for her.

I watch as James pulls Luca into a tight hug before they quickly kiss each other on the lips lovingly. James and I never had that sort of relationship when we dated. Everything was less dating like and more like we were best friends. I guess it was just never ment to be.

"You're not going to get arrested are you?" James asks Luca as they all walk back to where I stand.

"Nah. Gotta warnin, me name got put down ta say that I'd done somethin and then I was gone." He says with a simple wave of his hand. How is he so dismissive about these sort of things?

"Ya such a fuckin idiot." Seb grumbles causing Luca to stick his toung out at him like a child. The others laugh but for some reason I just don't feel like laughing right now.

"I'm going to head home." I tell everyone earning myself several conserned looks.

"Ya okay?" Luca asks me and I nod. During the time when James was ignoring Luca, we became friends. He needed someone to lean on who wouldn't say I told you so and I was that person.

"Are you sure? You don't seem very happy." James says softly but I only shurg, plastering on my best fake smile.

"I'm fine. I'm just really tired." I reasure them all and they nod all looking convinced but James and Luca who are both probably familiar with that lie.

"I hope you rest well." Oliver says sweetly and I smile at him. He is so innocent that it's cute.

"Thank you." I say before I start to walk off, burtsing into tears as I exist the park.


I don't know what is wrong with me.

I lay face down into my bed crying my eyes out. Numerous people have been trying to get me to leave my room but I refuse politely.

I just feel so low right now. Maybe it's because I'm worrying about Rosa or maybe it's from the stress of having to do well? Maybe it's both?

I shouldn't be crying. I have an easy life and I should be thankful for that. I have food and shelter and no one's every really physically hurt me before.

I'm just being silly feeling this way.

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