Chapter Seventy-two

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Music blares and people dance and sing which for some reason pisses me off. I shove past a few people as I venture further inta the club regretting ever  coming here.

Me phone pings with a text from the group chat Livin Squad which's name of the chat with Seb, Oliver, Rosa and me.

Seb: U need me there

Me: Nah

Rosa: We understand

Me: Nah, u dont

Oliver: call if u need help

Me: Kay

I slide me phone away and sigh.

The stench of alcohol makes me wanna vomite but I ignore it as I continue ta shove me way through the crowd. A club for sixteen year olds yet there is still alcohol on sale even when everyone here's too young.

They're just lettin em fuck up their lives.

I shake me head and try ta focus on the lovely thing that happened yesterday instead of the shitty panic that's fillin me.

Yesterday, James surprised me with me skateboard. I was wella confused and turns out it was a funny story. He had brought me a new one but then he saw the guy with me old one and traded to get it back. The guy had been confused at first since he was tryin ta swap a new board for an old one but in the end he gave up and took the new board.

I ain't the type ta gush but it makes me heart flutter ta know that he cares.

I search the sea of shits for James but I don't see him yet. I close me eyes and count ta three before openin them again.

The smell of alcohol reminds me of bein at home and I fuckin hate it. Makes me heart hammer and mouth dry. I take in a deep breath and start ta cough from the smell.

I can't fuckin breath in here!


I turn ta see James standing there with a strange expression on his bloody handsome face. He grabs me arm and pulls me to a lonely corner away from the crowd of sweating drunks. A safe place I didn't see till now.

"What are you going here?" He hisses loud enough to be heard over the shitty music but quiet enough that only I can hear him.

"I came ta see ya." I say as me head spins and my vision starts ta darken slightly. I blink a few times but it don't clear up.

"You're not old enough to be here." He states and I nod ignoring the rushin of blood in me ears as I do and the pressure I feel in me skull.

"And ya lot ain't old enough ta drink yet here ya fuckin are." I snap as me head stars to ache. I glance around nervously not really sure what I'm expecting ta see.

Come on! Get yourself together Luca for fuck sake!

"Are you okay?" James asks me as he reaches for me hand. I flinch away outa instinct and he frowns even more.

"I'm fine." I say but it comes out as a mumble which causes him ta raise an eyebrow at me.

"You look like you're going to faint. Let's sit down." He says before grabbing me arm and draggin me to one of the booths.

I jiggle me knee up and down as sweat covers me body. Me hearin is fucked up and everything too dark yet too bright. I take in a deep breath and end up fuckin coughing again.

"Luca? What's wrong?" James asks but I just shrug as my head becomes fuzzy. I close me eyes and the open them again ta find everything has started ta swim.

"I'm fine." I say but he shakes his head.

"Are you sick?" He asks panicked and I shake me head causing everything ta spin and pound worse then fuckin before.

"Air." I mummble as I stand and walk away. I shove through the crowd till I'm free and burst through the doors ta get away from the smell of alcohol.

And all of the memories to that come with it...

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