Chapter Twenty-five

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No one's ever said anything like that to be before.

James is different and I fucking love it. He looks at me like I'm worth his time and that me life isn't over. He makes me feel like I have somethin' to carry on for.

His lips move swiftly against mine as he kisses back and I smile.

I never thought that I wanted this. I guess ya never know until ya do....

It's hard to fuckin explain!

Our lips part and I open my eyes to look at him and snort out a laugh. He's very, very red right now!

"Wow..." He breathes with a wide smile that makes me bloody heart flutter.

"Ya said some good shit." I tell him and he chews on his lip nervously as he stares up at me from the swing.

"Does this mean that you like, like me?" He asks and I snort again.

"Duh! Wouldn't have kissed ya else." I say and he nods. I start to get a horrid feelin' inside. What if he doesn't like me back and I just did somethin' more stupid then punching fucking Brandon in the face?

"Luca, stop think whatever you're thinking." James says and I look at him confused. He's such a bloody riddle.


"I can tell by your face that your thinking something negative so stop. I liked the kiss and I would like another." He says. I watch his face as realization creeps in and he starts to burn the brightest fuckin red I've ever seen.

I lean forward and kiss him again. He's like a magenta and I'm that weak bit of metal that keeps gettin pulled over.

We part again and I turn away feelin stupid. He's gonna hate me and leave like everyone else. I shouldn' have kissed him...

"JUST STOP IT!" He screams getting a load of attention pointed out way. I stare at him and he flushes red again from his out burst.

"Ya need to calm down." I tell him and he nods clearly embarrassed.

"I just hate it when you think whatever you were thinking. Your face fell and you looked so defeated and I hate that because your not defeated Luca." He says and I smile at him.

"Cheers." I say and he nods.

"Anytime." He says. I take me phone from me pocket and glare at the time. I've gotta get home and break the news to me old man that I lost me job.

"I need ta go." I tell him and his face falls.

"Oh, did I say something wrong?" He asks and I shake me head. That's the thing about him. He's too fucking perfect for him own good. He don't see it but I know it and I bet his mates do too.

"Nah, just need ta talk about losin me job." I explain and he nods. I smile and then turn to walk off. I take a few steps before he calls my name and I turn to face him because I'm too weak to ever ignore him.

"Are we dating now?" He asks.

"Course." I say and he smiles.

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