Chapter Thirty-seven

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I wave as Becky walks over to me. She smiles and I smile back. It feels like forever since we both spent some time together and there is so much I want to tell her. I think I want to tell her about Luca becauae I feel like she'll understand.

"We haven't done this in a while." Becky states as we sit down on a bench and look at each other.

"No we haven't. I'm sorry but I've been super occupied with something." I tell her and she nods.

"Same." She says and for some strange reason I get the feeling that she's been occupied with a similar thing as I have.

"Really?" I ask her hoping that it'll push her into telling me.

"Really." She confirms. I raise an eyebrow at her as she starts to giggle and then we're both laughing for no apparent reason.

Becky sighs and then takes out her phone and sends a quick text to someone. I watch her but deside not to read her message since it's private.

"Okay." She says seriously as her phone pings with a new message. " Promise me that your not going to laugh or judge."

"Why would I do either of those things?" I ask curiously.


"Wait! You haven't auditioned for the school play again have you?" I ask suddenly alarmed. A few years ago Becky thought that it would be smart to audition but ended up getting humiliated in front of the whole years group. I felt so bad for her since her performance wasn't the best. I guess she just not a natural actress.

"PROMISE!" She screams making me jump.

"Okay I promise." I tell her and she nods clearly content with my promise.

"I have a grilfriend."

"Wait, what?" I gasp in surprise. I did not expect that. I expected that she had done something but getting a girlfriend? I never saw that coming.

"Yeah, her name's Rosa and were very happy together." She states suddenly defensive of the situation. I place my hand on her shoulder and smile.

"That's great. I'm really happy for you and... Wait, did you say Rosa?" I ask as realisation hits me.

"Yes, I did. She's very different but I do really like her." She tells me and I chew my lip before I start to laugh.

"I can't believe this." I chuckle.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" Becky yells her face starting to burn bright red.

"No, I'm not laughing at you." I reasure her as I take deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Then what are you laughing at?" She asks clearing not believeing that it's not her.

"I know Rosa." I tell her and she gasps in surprise.


"Yes. She's one of Luca's friends." I says and Becky nods.

"I knew that. We met because we were spying on the both of you." She admits and I gasp.

"You were what?"

"Be quiet James. Now, why do you know Luca?" She asks me and I sigh. I think that I am ready to tell her now. Well, especially after what she just told me. Who would have guessed that we were keeping a similar secret?

"Luca and I are dating." I tell her and she gasps before she pulls me into a hug.

"No way!" She exclaims as she pulls out of the hug and looks at me. I nod and she pulls me into another bone crushing hug.

"I met him when he broke into my house." I tell her and she frowns.

"He did what?"

"It was Rosa's idea apparently." I say trying to defend Luca. The more I got to know him he decided to tell me what happened. He said that he needed a bit of money for something so Rosa told him to break into a rich persons house and steel their stuff to sell.

"Tell me everything." Becky gasps.

"As long as you tell me everything as well." I say and she nods.


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