Chapter Twenty-seven

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I stand up when I see James and he stares at me like he expects me to drop dead any fucking minute. He dont move any close so I fill the distance tryin me best to mask me limp. I can tell by his face that he's seen it.

"What's happened to you?" He asks consern etched onto his perfect features. I stare into his loving brown eyes and sigh.

"Dont matter. I'm fine." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"You are not fine Luca." He says and I growl in annoyance. I've spent the past four fuckin days havin people fuss over me (and hearing about some girl Rosa's met) and I'm fucking fed up of it. I hate being pitied!

I'm gonna move back in with me bloody excuse for parents. Seb said that I should stay longer but I dont wanna. He cant afford me staying there and I'm just a burden. Besides, he's been sleeping on the sofa while I've had his bed. I tried to get him to let me on the sofa but he refused.

I just want everything to go back to how it was. This has happened before and I've stayed with Seb but never have I also had James to deal with. He dont know what happened and I plan to keep it that way. He dont need to know me shit!

"Look... I just wanna apologise for not showing for our date. I feel like a dick and I wanna make it up ta ya." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"It's okay. You clearly have had some stuff going on." He says and his soft tone pisses me off.

"Dont be like that!" I snap and he looks at me surprised.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Soft and sympathetic. Stop acting like I'm broken!" I yell and he looks at me for a second.

"I'm worried about you Luca!" He yells back and he glare at him.


"Because I lo..." He pauses and stares at me before sighing. "Because I really like you Luca." He says and suddenly all me angers gone. I'm just that fucking empty shell that cant feel anything. I stare at him for a minute before he hugs me.

"I really like ya too." I whisper and he smiles.


I smile at James as he explains Becky and his relationship. He tell me that they've been friends for years and only acted like friends when they dated.

"I met Oliver the other day." He tells me and me smile changes. Oliver is lovely an' all but he has a habit of tellin people thing he shouldn't. He told Seb and Rosa about me parents always bein pissed. He always looks out for me but it just sometimes gets too much. He dont need me fucking stress as well.


"On my way home from school. I asked him where you were and I think he wanted to tell me but Seb didn't." He says and I nod. Sounds like Seb and Oliver.

"Oliver's a good guy." I say and he nods and then looks at me with a serious expression.

"Luca... Where were you?" He asks and I look away from him. Shit! I dont know how to fucking reply to that.

"I though we ain't talking 'bout that shit again?" I grumble and he sighs.

"I just want you to be honest with me. I've told you everything yet it feels like you've told me nothing." He says I can tell that he's getting pissed off with me.

"Yeah well, I dont have ta tell ya everythin. I may be ya boyfriend but that dont mean that I gotta share all the shit that happens and it dont give ya a right to pester me 'bout it." I snap as I look back at him. He looks shocked for a second and then he nods.

"I get it and I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you." He says softly. He reaches over to where I'm sitting on the swing and takes me hand in his. I blush and turn away so he cant see how fucking flustered I am.

"Ya dont have ta worry. I can look after myself." I reassure him and he nods.

"I know." He whispers before he kisses me hand. I feel me face heat up and turn away ta hide it.

"So, ya still got school?" I ask him trying to make some small talk.

"Yes, I break up for the summer soon though. Then we can spend lots of time together." He says and I nod with a smile. After everythin that's happened recently, spending endless days with James sounds like just the thing I need.

"It's shit that ya have school when the sun is shining. Why dont ya just not go?" I ask and he pulls a face that makes it seem like I've shoved shit down his top instead of suggest that he skips some fucking school.

"School is really important Luca. How am I supposed to do well without it?" He asks and I shrug.

"Dunno." I mumble and he looks at me with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Why dont you go to school for the last few days of term!" He suggest and I shake me head.

"Nah way! I cant sit through that shit again. No one learns crap, everyone's drunk, high or both, teachers dont give two shits 'bout us. I stopped going last year and have never looked back. Trust me, ya dont know what it's like there." I say and he frowns.

"That sounds dreadful!" He exclaims and I nod.

"Ya, it is." I state and he sighs.

"How are you going to get into college and university without doing your GCSE's?" He asks and I smile at how stupid he can be sometimes.

"Not going ta. I've known that since I was little." I tell him and he frowns.

"That must be - oh no!" He suddenly yells as he let's go of me hand and jumps ta his feet so fucking fast that I just.

"What's wrong?" I ask puzzled.

"I should have been home half an hour ago?" He yells in a panic.

"Shit!" I curse. As I also jump off the swing. I watch has he chews on his lip and runs his hand through his hair nervously.

"I need to go." He says. He turns to run back home but then turns back to me in apology for the quick exit.

"I'll text ya later. Ya need to get home." I tell him and he smiles with appreciation. He kisses me cheek and then runs off out of the park.

James has told me all 'bout his stricked parents and told me how they control everythin that he does because they worry. I don't see why he's moaning since he should be happy to have parents that actually give a fuck about him.

I sigh and sit back onto the swing. I stare at the fucking dead grass. I feel like the world is moving and everyones going with it and leaving me behind. I'm just a fucking misfit thats always bein left behind in all of this.

Being with James has made everythin a lot better but its still fucking shit.

Maybe it would be better for everyone if I just disappeared?

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