Chapter Thirty-four

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I smile as I see Luca sitting in the park on one of the swings. Sitting there like he did when we first kissed. Well, he looks slightly happier then he did that day but not by much.

"Luca!" I call as I head into the park and walk over to him. He looks up and watchs me, his face lacking it's usual smile.

"Hey." Is all he says which is strange since he's usually more talkative then this. Something is definitely wrong.

"Are you alright? You seem off." I say softly as I sit down on the other swing and look over at him. He looks down at the floor with an expressionless look on his face.

"Do I?" He asks bluntly which causes me to frown more. I haven't seen Luca for two days since I've been spending a lot of time bonding with my grandparents. I only have two days left at school before the summer holidays and then I'll be able to spend all of my time as I please. I just don't understand what could happened to Luca in two days.

"Yes and now I'm worrying." I tell him and he sighs.

"Don't worry." He mumbles. I sigh and then stand up and walk over to him. He lifts his head to look at me and I presse my lips to his. I don't know if this will work and make him feel better but it was the only thing I could think of.

I wrap my arms around him before our lips part and then pull him off of the swing and into a hug.

"I hate it when your sad." I tell him and I know that thats got through to him.

"I'm sorry." He whispers but I shake my head.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." I reasure him and he smiles as I let him go and look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Nah, I'm being a dick." He admits but I shake my head and smile.

"It's all in the past." I reasure him but he shakes his head and sighs.

"It ain't 'cuase I'm still thinkin it." He whispers and I frown at how meloncholy he sounds.

"Thinking what?" I ask and he instantly looks away from me. "Luca?"

"Thinkin that ya don't see me. That ya don't really like me. Why would ya like me anyway?" He blurts out and I gasp at the thought of him thinking all of this while I'm just relaxing and spending time with my family.

"Of course I like you Luca. I wouldnt be here if I didn't. I mean, I wanted to not like you when I first met you but I think that's impossible." I tell him but he doesn't look reasures by my words.

"That's the kind of crap Brandon use ta say." He murmmers and I suddenly realise why he could be thinking like this. From what I've heard, Brandon and his realationship was toxic and of course that's going to lead to him feeling unsure.

"I'm not Brandon Luca and I'm not going to force you to trust me. Everything here is your decision." I tell him softly and he looks at me clearly surprised.

"What?" He asks dumbly and I smile at him.

"I care about you Luca and I'm not going to hurt you like he did." I tell him. I don't know what happened between Luca and Brandon but I'm guessing that it wasn't good and from Seb, I'm guessing Luca got hurt pretty badly.

"I wanna believe ya but I've never been right before." He says earnestly.

"I'll wait for you, you know? If your not ready now, I'll wait until you are." I tell him and I mean every word of it. It's clear that he's still hurting no matter how much he tries to hide it and I don't want to push him.

"I wanna be with ya now, it's just... I'm me while ya you." He states but I shake my head and sigh.

"You think because we're so different that I can't like you? My science teacher always says that opposites attract and I know that she meant it in different context but it works here too." I tell him and he laughs at that.

"Ya gotta wise science teacher." He states and I nod. Luca then sighs and looks away from me. He shuffles around and then looks back at me with a complexed look on his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods.

"Ya got some wise words James I ain't gonna lie 'bout that." He says as a smile creeps onto his face. I smile at him and then he pulls me into a hug.

"Do you feel better?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yup... Thanks." He whispers as I smile.

"No problem." I tell him. He moves out of the hug and then pushes his lips against mine. I smile before returning the gesture.

I don't know a thing about Luca's past but I hope to find out one day. I hope that he'll feel ready to share it all with me and then I will share all of my life with him.

I know that my words today won't drive all of his doubt away but I'm glad that I could at least help him. I'll be here (well, not here in the park but metaphorically) for him whenever he needs someone to listen to.

I'm not ashamed to like like Luca!

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