Chapter Fifty-five

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I still have Becky at school. She stops everything from becoming too bad. It's still bad though. I've gone from being the one everyone looked up to and wanted to be friends with, to someone who gets pointed at and laughed at. People whisper about me now. People hate me now.

I don't tell Luca most of it though. I wasn't planing on telling him anything but he figured it out from how I act. Luca's not stupid. He claims to be and doesn't attend any sort of education but he's still clever.

To be honest, I'm scared of what Luca would do if he knew what people said. He said that he would kill them and even though I know that he wouldn't, that doesn't rule out him hurting someone or himself. I'm scared that he's going to get himself into trouble for me when he doesn't need to. I know that he has a lot going on and the last thing he needs is to add to that. He just can't see that.

"Trust me, everyone will get board soon." Becky reasures me and I nod despite the fact I don't actually believe her. I know that she's trying to help but I feel as though nothing can help. This is going to be it from now on.

"Heya!" Rosa says as we pass through the school gates. I look around but I can't see Luca anywhere. That's weird, he said he was going to meet me outside of school so he could walk me home. There's nothing to hide now since the whole school now knows that we're dating. My parents are the only ones who still don't know.

"Where's Luca?" I ask her as she kisses Becky on the cheek with a smile. She turns to me and frowns.

"Don't know. Maybe he's runnin late?" She suggests even know we both know that that's not true. Luca isn't late, he's never really late. He's not here because he's doing something and that something is probably illegal.

"We can wait with you." Becky says and I smile in appreciation. I'm thankful that they're not going to leave me here alone, surrounded by people who now hate me because of my sexuality.

Suddenly, someone yells from near the school gates and we hear the unmistakable sound of felsh colliding with flesh.

A fight!

We start to push our way towards the gate. There's never any fights at school. Most of the time everyone gets on or they just don't talk to each other. There are agruments but they never escalate.

I gasp when I get to the fight.

Darren Western is on the floor trying to shield his face as Luca slams his fist down onto the bridge of his nose causing thick blood to start dribbling from Darren's face.

Tiffany screams at the sight and several teachers start to try and part the dispute.

"Luca!" Rosa yells outraged. I want to yell too but I'm too shocked to. Luca's here beating Darren to a pulp!


"I did nothin wrong!" Luca yells at the police officer as they cuff his hands.

Since Luca isn't a student and the situation was escalating (I think Luca was actually trying to kill him), a member of staff called the police and paramedics. Darren is getting his face seen to while a very tired looking police officer is trying to get Luca into the car.

"Get into the car Luca." The officer says but Luca shakes his head. No one has told the officer Luca's name so something tells me that they've met before.

"I've done nothing! He's the one that committed a fuckin offence! I was just doin ya job for ya!" He screams angrily.

"Luca, get into the car or there will be charges for resisting arrest." The officer warns.

"Why are ya arresting me? He's the one who took and posted a photo without consent! Me boyfriends being bullied because if that piece of shit!" Luca bellows as he tries to wriggle his hands out of the metal cuffs.

"Luca." The officer warns.

"Please Luca." I say not being able to stand the thought of him going to prison. He may be strong but the thought of him locked up makes me want to vomite.

Our eyes meet and he stops struggling against his restraints. He sighs and then bows his head down like he's ashamed. He walks over to the officer and climbs into the back of the police car.

"Thanks." The officer says before he gets into the car. A woman officer smiles at us as the car drives off.

"I'll need to take some statements if that's okay?" She asks us and we all nod. The more we can give of the stroy the less trouble Luca may be in.

We follow the officer into the school so we can sit with her and have a private chat. I guess there's no point taking us to the station for this when it can be done here.

Please don't get yourself arrested Luca.

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