Chapter Fourteen

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I fly down the street the wheels of me skateboard making a very unsafe cracking sound. It's a crappy old skateboard but I love it.

People yell as I zoom pass and I laugh. This is fucking awesome! I feel so free which is somethin' that I ain't felt in bloody ages.

I fly across the road narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car. I hear em yell and laugh again. Seb would go nuts if he saw me right now. He'd probably snap me skateboard in two.

The wind blows through me hair causing me to laugh like a fucking idiot. I really need to do this more often.


I focus my attention back to the path just in time to see someone walking towards me lost in there own fucking head.

I swerve to avoid them and a crunch informs me of what's about to happen. One of me fucking wheels have snapped off.

The board skids and I tumble to the ground hard.

"Fuck sake." I grumble as I m'self up. I turn to see the person I almost crashed into and anger floods through me. "What the fuck?" I scream.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" He says innocently and I growl at him. It's the fucking boy from the other day looking so fucking clueless.

"Fuck sake man! Watch where the fuck your going and stop fucking stalking me!" I bellow getting frightened glances from the little shits walking past.

"Please keep your voice down and stop saying that word." He says calmly.

"Fuck off man." I grumble. I grap me skateboard and wheel and start to walk away from him. Just great, now I have to walk back.


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