Chapter Eighty-three

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Luca's bedroom is a small room with a horrific bed and moldy walls. I stare at the space as he sits down on his bed and stares at the floor.

It's been two weeks since Luca was injured and yesterday he got discharged from hospital so we thought it'd be a good idea to collect his stuff from here and then leave. Well, he thought it'd be a good idea. I was perfectly content with the idea of Seb and then others collecting the stuff while I helped him relax at my house but we all know what Luca's like.

I watch my boyfriend as he stares into the distance like he normally does when he's lost in thought. His injury has healed a bit and it's obvious that it's going to leave a scar. Luca claims that he doesn't care but he must since it's a permanent reminder that his father tried to kill him.

"Try and stay with me okay." I say as I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me and nods slowly.


"Tell me if it gets too much."




"Are you okay?"


I don't know whether or not he's lying but there's nothing I can do about it if he is so I sigh and resume glancing around the room. This place is no place for a child to grow up. The lack of colour and furniture leads to a lack of warmth which implies a lack of love. Also, despite the fact no real drinking occured in here, the room still stinks of alcohol even though no one's even been in the house for a long time.

Luca stands and turns back to me his face pinched with thought.

"Where did I have me fuckin bag last?" He mutters and the fact that he can remember hardly anything from his last moments here upsets me. The blow to his head may not have damaged his brain but he still can't recall anything about the attack. Luckily, his parents being missing is enough proof to the police that they were involved and Garrett talking to Luca about the abuse really helped the investigation. Hopefully, they'll both be locked up for a long time and will never be able to see him again.

"Probably the kitchen." I say and Luca nods.

"Garrett will have it then. Cops tapped the whole fuckin area up." He states and I nod.

"Well, let's get out of here then."


I type up the last of the English essay on Macbeth before sending it to my teacher and turning to my bed where Luca lays stearing at the ceiling.

"You're not allowed to pick at it." I remind him as he runs his fingers over his wound. He sighs before turning to me and smiling innocently.

"Do ya wanna read more?" He asks and I smile at his request to hear more of the book I brought him.

"Sure." I say as I stand and flop down in bed next to him. I pick up the book and open it to the page we were last on.

A melancholic atmosphere descended over the kingdom as thick clouds of malicious malic driffted over the cave where the princess awaiated with her knight.

"At this rate the cruel will of Orion will corrupt the kingdom and they're will be nothing left to save." Princess Tanya stated as she peered out of the small crack in the cave wall that revealed a small image of the chaos beyond her temperary walls of safety.

"Not unless you purify the kingdom and drive Orion back into the maze they're supposed to be lost in." Kinght Henry reminded her yet it seemed like a lost cause. The world as they knew it had ended three days ago and the rest of the world was lost to malic and corruption.

"I don't know how Henry. I didn't even know Orion was true until they destroyed the harmony of the land." Tanya exclaimed as she threw her arms into the air with exasperation.

"Please Tanya. If you give up the kingdom gives up."

I stop reading as a soft snor comes from Luca. I smile at him before placing the book down and pulling the duvet over the both of us.

I watch his small sleeping shape for a few moments before wrapping my arms around him and brining him close to me.

Luca's been through a lot yet he hasn't shown how much it has effected him yet. I know that any day now he will break and lose it but he doesn't have to be afraid because I'll be here to hold him and build him back up again afterwards.

I'll always be here to save him whether he wants me to be or not. I guess that's what comes with being in a relationship.

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