Chapter Nineteen

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He's so, so close.

I gaze into Luca's deep blue eyes and feel a blush creep onto my face. He freezes and stares at me an unreadable expression on his handsome face.

I justed wanted to stop him from breaking his phone. I have no idea who's he was talking to (he mentioned the name Seb) but they really seem to anger him. In this short time I've known Luca, I've learnt that he can go from perfectly content to livid in just a few seconds.

Luca smells really nice. I know that's strange to think but it's true. Well, his clothes sort of smell like alcohol but it seems more they smell that way because his house must instead of the smell coming from him. I cant really describe the way he smells but it's strangle comforting.

Okay, this is getting weird.

He so close to me that I could kiss him. I wonder what kissing a boy is like. I kissed Becky when we were together but that was only once so I'm probably really bad at kissing.

"Luca! Say something for fuck sake!" The voice snaps from Luca's phone, snapping me out if my daze. I let his wrist go and jump back quickly.

"Sorry... Umm... I just didn't want you breaking your phone." I tell him feeling super flustered.

"Nah, it's chill." He says but I can hear in his voice that he's not his calm and careless self.

"You should probably talk to whoever called you." I point out after the person yells at Luca again.

"Oh yeah." He says like he forgot all about that. He puts the phone to his ear again and groans at whatever the person said. "Calm the fuck down Seb. Go piss Oliver or Rosa off instead of me."

I'm guessing that Oliver and Rosa are his other friends. I wonder how many people he knows.

"No, mind your own bloody business." Luca snaps. I wonder what relation he has to the person he's talking to. Are they a friend or a member of his family? He hasn't actually mentioned his family yet. I told him about my parents and their status and then he changed to subject and started talking about his skateboard.

I watch him as he snaps at the mysterious character on the other end of the phone. He seems angry but there's no hatred in his voice making it clear that he likes whoever he's speaking to.

"Ya such a party trasher Seb!" Luca yells before he sighs and hangs up on the call. He looks at me and I look at him.

"Everything alright?" I ask him and he nods and then shakes his head and then shrugs. I smile at his randomness and he smiles back at me.

"That was me mate Seb. He's got super crappy trust so he's coming to get me." He moans and I feel the happiness drain out of me. I've really liked hanging put with Luca and I know that there isn't a way that we could be friends really but I wish there was.

"Oh, right." I say not even trying to hide how gutted I sound.

"I've actually really enjoyed ya company though so if ya want we could meet again." He says and I can't hide the smile on my face.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I tell him which makes him smile. We exchange phone numbers and chat some more until a wrecked looking car pulls up nearby and a boy gets out.

The boy is tall with short brown hair and cold blue eyes. He looks as though he could break someones skull just by looking at them and I really hope he can't.

"Fuck sake Luca!" He yells as he approaches and Luca stands up to meet his eye. Well, he tries to meet his eye but the boy is taller then him.

"Shouldn' I be the one sayin' that? Your bein' a dick." He snaps and I smile at the way he talks. I always thought that saying each word properly made speach sound nicer but I love the way he talks.

"Just get in the fucking car." He snaps causing Luca to roll his eyes.

"Sorry James about this shit. I'll text ya later." He says with a smile before he walks over to the car and climbs in. Seb glares at me and I shuffle around uncomfortable before he turns away and leaves in the car.

Well, that was a unique experience.

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