Chapter Seven

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I never told my parents about the break in last night. They dont need to know anyway since he didn't take anything. Besides, if I told them all the freedom I gained over the years will be taken away and the next thing I'll know is that there walking me to school again.

"I'm heading out to school now!" I call as I approach the door. As much as I love school I'm so thankful that it's Friday. I couldn't sleep at all last night, images of that boy filling my mind. His messy golden hair and his sapphire eyes.

No, James. Stop being weird.

"Have a good day dear!" My parents call as I walk out the door. I close the door and go to lock it but my eyes drift to the side of my house.

Sitting at the side of my house back slouched against the wall and eyes closed like he's sleeping is the boy from last night.

My heart hammers in my chest as I stare at him. His golden locks hang over his eyes as his head faces the ground.

I start to inch closer not really sure what to do. Why is he here? Is he stalking me?

As I get closer I can see the gentle rise and fall of his chest implying that he's asleep. Why is he sleeping here? Shouldn't he be at his home?

I crouch down next to him trying to ignore my instinct to go straight back inside and never leave my room again.

His eyes are closed and his face peaceful. He seemed so aggressive last night and filled with hatred but now he is the binary opposite. He looks at peace and content.

I smile to myself then shake my head feeling annoyed at myself. I cant be falling for a boy that brock into my house last night. I dont even know his name!

His eyes snap open and I spring away from him and resume standing. I glare down at him trying to give off the impression that he's not wanted here and he looks up at me squinting against the sun.

"Oh, it's you." He grumbles as he pulls himself to his feet and I can tell by his stiff movements that sleeping like that has made him ache.

"Well, it is my house." I snap as he shoves his hands into his pockets and watches me with a tried expression.

"Whatever." He grunts as he tries to walk away. I grap his arm and he quickly pulls away from me, his expression changing from tired to alarmed.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask and I can tell that it's a stupid question as soon as it leaves my mouth.

"Why would I be stalking you?" He asks his voice tried. I see the dark bags under his eyes and feel a pang guilt for being so cruel to him. Whatever he's going through must be a lot.

"Sorry, I just had to ask." I say. I don't know why I feel so many emotions towards this boy, I don't even know his name and the only thing he's ever done to me was break into my house.

"Yeah, well calm ya' shit down." He grumbles. Every time he swears it suprised me. No one really swears that I know of. At school no one does and I've never heard me parents so much breath a word in a moment of anger yet this boy hands them out like there sweets.

"Why were you sleeping outside my house?" I ask and he turns away. I know he wont answer.

"Piss off." He grunts as I start to follow him down the street.

"But why? I'm sure your parents are super worried about you." I say and he turns around so fast that I jump. His eyes are ablaze with anger and I know that I've stepped too far. He grabs my shirt and pulls me close.

"You have no fucking clue about me." He snarls our faces are so close that I can feel his breath against my face. His eyes are dangerous and I regret ever opening my mouth.

"I'm sorry." I whimper wishing that I didn't sound so weak.

He lets me go then storms off and this time I dont follow him.

This boy is dangerous!

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