Chapter Seventy

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I lay on the floor of Seb's room stare up at the ceilin.

I feel like shit.

Becky is back home with her old man much to my protest and the rest of the world is falling apart.

Seb and Oliver are officially together now which is brilliant but it's the only great thing.

Luca's hurt and bein ten times more secretive then normal. Seb seems troubled by something and Oliver seems odd. Becky is depressed and I really think that someone should get her some help. And James is a nervous reck.

I texted James to ask if he'd heard from Becky (she hasn't been answering my messages) and all I've got in return is a stream of frantic messages about Luca, James family and GCSE's.

James needs ta calm the fuck down!

I understand that he suffers with anxiety and I know that he worries a lot but he needs ta chill else he's gonna end up havin a panic attack while locked in his bedroom and that ain't gonna help anyone.

"Ya okay?" Seb asks me and I sit up.

"Thought ya were sleepin." I state as he sits up as well to reveal that he's on his phone.

"Can't." He mummbles.

"Why? Thinkin bout Oliver?" I ask waggling me eyebrows at him. He rolls his eyes but then shakes his head before nodding.

"Sorta. He texted me earlier ta cancel our date tomorrow but ain't tellin me why." He says and I think for a moment.

"Maybe he's just tired but too ashamed ta tell ya. Ya know Oliver, he tries ta act tough but he ain't. Sorta like ya." I tell him and he frowns before looking back at his phone.

"Luca won't reply. I know he's home now and that worries me." He says and I frown with him.

"He didn't go ta work because he's hurt. Do ya think that pissed of his parents?" I ask and Seb shrugs.

"I dread ta think." He mutters before flopping back down onta his bed. I stand up and then flop down next ta him.

"It's okay ta break Seb." I tell him as I take his hand in mine and squeeze it. He looks away from me and shrugs.

"Dunno what ya on about." He states and I let out a long and exhausted sigh.

"Ya taken everyone else's problems on and neglected yourself." I tell him as I stare up at the ceiling again. "Ya deserve to break like everyone else."

"I don't break." He says before dropping me hand and rolling over so his back is facin me. "Night." He says and I roll me eyes.

"Childish but okay." I say before I hope down onta the floor bed and snuggle up. "Night."


I think I finally know the problem.

When Becky's mum died her dad never gave her time to grief. She never got the help she needed and just tried ta move on. She hasn't healed and it's been two years of sadness and pain adding to that.

These flowers ain't gonna help.

"I got ya these." I say as she arrives at the park. She stares at then for a moment before smiling.

"Thank you. They beautiful." Becky tells me as she blushes a similar colour to the red roses.

"Just like you." I say as I kiss her check.

She needs time to pull herself together but to do that she first needs to break. She needs to be able to let everything out but I know that she won't. She'll keep it all in until it's too much and somethign bad will happen. I need ta help her but I don't know how.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask her as tears roll down her rosy cheeks and she sniff loudly.

"I don't know." She sobs and I frown as I wipe her tears away only for more ta fall. I take the flowers and throw then on the bench next to us before pulling her into a hug.

"I'm here for ya Becky." I tell her as she shakes and sniffs.

"Sorry for this." She whales but I shake me head.

"Ya need this Becky. Breaking is what to do right now. If you're cracked you will have to carry on as that crack gets bigger and bigger but when you break people can glue you back together again." I explain to her.

"I don't want you to think I'm weak." She whimpers.

"I won't." I tell her.

I never will.

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