Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Okay, class dismissed. James, please can you stay for a short chat?" Mr Roberts says and everyones in the class turns my way in surprise. Some just nod and leave probably thinking that this talk is to do with my good grades.

I know what this talk is about and I wish that it was my good grades. I haven't been the best lately and I guess that teachers are finally starting to notice the drop of consentration I have in lessons.

I spend most of my lesson time daydreaming about seeing Luca and going on a proper date with him. I haven't seen him since we spoke in the park because I got hell from my parents. They yelled for the first time in years and then sent me to my room. I think they would have accepted a few minutes of lateness but half an hour was a stretch.

Basically, I've been grounded ever since. My parents never said when I could go out again and I don't think that they really know when either. I lost the trust I had gained and now I'm back to square one. They've been driving me to and from school and other then that I haven't been allowed out.

I've really messed up and I know it.

"James, I've noticed a lack of attention from you lately and your grades haven't been the top like usual. What's going on?" Mr Roberts asks with a kind expression.

I get what he's doing. He's trying to be the kind and reliable teacher that a student can turn to if need be. He's trying to get me to talk to him and I know that I should but I just don't know what to say.

"I agree Sir, I have been distracted lately and it has been effecting my grades." I decide to say. That doesn't give too much away on what's happening. I'm not against talking about my feelings for Luca, it's just that I don't want to tell Sir incase he decides to talk to my parents about it. If my parents find out that I've met someone they'll want to meet them and I just don't think I'm ready for then to meet Luca.

"What's on your mind James? I know that summer is a few weeks away and your going to be excited for the six week break but this behaviour is just so unlike you." He states and I nod in agreement because once again he is correct. I'm normal focused on my studies but recently my head has been in the clouds.

"Well, there's just been a lot going on lately." I say and that just makes it obvious that I'm dodging his questions.

"Has something happened at home? I've noticed that your parents are driving you to school." He says and I hold back a groan. Why does he have to be so observent?

"I've been grounded Sir due to me returning home late a few days ago." I explain and he nods with a serious look on his face.

"And if you don't mind me asking, why were you late?" He asks and we stand in silence for a minute as I try to think up a lie I can tell him.

"I was with someone." I say and then I groan at how bad that sounds. I must sound as though I was late home because I was doing something inappropriate.

"A girlfriend?" He asks with a raised eye brow.

"No." Is all I can say. Finally, something I can tell the truth with.

"A boyfriend?" He asks and I stare at him for a second not sure what to say. I need to say no but the words just aren't forming.

"No." I stammer out but I can tell by the look on his face that he's caught on from my hesitation.

"James, having a boyfriend is nothing to be ashamined of." He says calmly and I stare at him in disbelief.

"Like you would know how any of this feels." I snap before I can stop myself. I don't know why but him acting like he understands sort of annoys me. I know that my parents wouldn't be okay if I dated a boy and I know that they would definitely not be okay with it being Luca!

"Actually, I do understand. I would appreciate if you didn't tell anyone this but..." He pauses like he's considering everything he's about to say. "But, Mr Grant and I have been in a romantic realationship for two years now."

"Wait, what?" I exclaims as I stare at Mr Roberts in shock. Mr Roberts is my maths teacher while Mr Grant is a music teacher. They both teach extreamly different things and I didn't even know that they knew that one another existed.

I guess that it's like Luca and I. We're both completely different from one another and we shouldn't have met since we like in two very different places but we did.

"We've been keeping it a secret because we fear that it will effect how people view us, staff and student alike. Not everyone is accepting of things like that, so we keep it all secret." He explains and I nod instantly understanding. I haven't been dating Luca for long, I haven't even dated him for a month yet but I still know he feels.

"Not only is he a boy, he's also very different from me. He doesn't attend school because his school is horrid and he stays out late skateboarding with his friends. I just know that people won't accept him or me, yet I can't stop thinking about him." I blurt out not being able to keep any of it in any longer.

I have had no one to talk to about this at all. I can't bring it up with my parents because I'm scared of what they'll think and I can't bring it up to Becky either. It's not that I don't trust her because I really do, it's just... Well, I don't really know why. I guess I'm just scared for everything changing between us. She'll never view me in same way and I just can't lose her. Through everything in life we have always been together and I just can't let any of that go.

"Are you ashamed of liking a boy?" He asks and I shake my head. I'm not ashamed at all actually. I feel as though a part of me finally makes sense and that I'm complete for once. Before, I felt like a puzzle that was missing a peice and without that peice the picture was broken and wrong.

"No, I feel better now that I know." I say and it feels good to say aloud.

"Then, are you ashamined of him?" He asks and I stare at him in horror.

"Of course not! Luca means a lot to me and I really do care about him. I would never hide him away in fear of him ruining my reputation!" I yell without meaning to.

"Good. I never thought that you would be like that but I just wanted to check. There are plenty of people out there that are just willing to use others." He explains and I nod.

"I know. From what I've heard, I think that may have happened to him before." I say glumbly. Then I suddenly put a hand over my mouth and shake my head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to share this with anyone." He reassures me and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be spilling his personal life like that." I say and he gives me a small smile.

"You really care for him James and that's wonderful to see." He says and I smile.

"Thank you Sir." I say.

"If you ever need to talk, I'm always here." He says and I nod as I gather up my things and turn to leave.

"Thank you again." I say.

"Oh, and James... Please try to concentrate better at school." He says but the smile on his face shows that he understands.

"Will do." I say before I leave the classroom and start to head down the pretty much abandoned halls.

Wow, I never would have expected that.

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