Chapter Forty-four

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Today' James's first day back at Hell...

I mean school!

I don't know why he bothers but he's fucking strange so that explains it. He likes that crappy thing called education but maybe it's his school.

Me old school was shit. Everyone was either drunk or high (sometimes both). Fights always broke out (I was in many). The teachers didn't teach shit. Everything was just so crap I'm probably learning more by not going.

Besides, I'm so fucking thick that there's no point in tryin. If I grow up I'll just get some crap job like I have now and try ta live off that.

The fact that James likes school makes me smile. It's shows how different we are. I like that about all of this.


A bunch of smart arseholes in inchy looking uniform start to leave the modern building chatting some sort of shit about each other.

I thought that I should surprise James by being here ta meet him!

I scan the crowd for me boyfriend but don't see him yet. I see Becky walk past but James ain't with her for some reason. I frown and start to scan the crowd again.

Then me eyes lock onto a pair of stunnin brown ones and I smile. James don't smile though. He stares at me like I'm something horrid and then rushes off in the opposite direction.

"James!" I call after him but he don't stop. I go to chase after him but someone grabs me arm ans pulls me away from the crowd.

"What the fuck do ya want?" I growl as Brandon shoves me into an alley next ta the school.

"Ya boyfriend left ya pretty boy?" He asks, a smirk on his face. I wish I could punch his fucking face until his lips are too swollen to smirk but I can't. There are too many people nearby and I can't get arrested...

Not today.

"What the fuck do ya want?" I snap angrily but all he does is laugh.

"I never abandoned ya." He reminds me. I stare at him in disbelief before turning away.

"I'm too tired for this shit." I announce before I leave the alley.

"Fine. Run away like ya always do!" Brandon calls after me but I don't turn back.

I clench my fists tryin to not charge back and punch him right between the eyes.

"You're a dirty whore Luca!" He screams after me. I turn back around ready to beat him to a pulp but someone grabs me fucking arm again and drags me away.

"Gettin inta a figh ain't gonna help ya." Rosa tells me as she drags me away.

We walk to the nearby park and sit down. I shuffle around for a second before I smash my fist inta the bloody bench wood.

"He's such a prick!" I yell in anger and she nods as she watches me with sympathy in her eyes.

"Try not ta take any notice. He's just angry that ya broke up with him." She tells me like I don't fucking know that already.

I stand up and start to pace angrily.

What the fuck is happening?

Why is James ignoring me like this? Doesn't he like me anymore or something? We had such a nice time together over the summer, I can't fucking understand!

Why did Brandon show up here? One moment he's being a dick, then he's tryin ta kill me and now he's just acting like his normal self. I don't get what's goin on and it's fucking pissing me off!

"Why the fuck are ya here?" I snap at Rosa and she sighs.

"I came to meet Becky after school. I was walking with her but then I heard you and Brandon and came ta stop ya from doing something stupid." She explains.

"I don't need ya to babysit me!" I yell at her. She only views me as weak like everyone else.

"Look, ya angry and ya looking for someone ta take it out on. I've done nothing wrong so leave me outa this crap." She says sternly. I stare at her for a second before I turn away and storms off.

She calls after me but I ignore her.

First Oliver with his crap about Brandon, then James acting weird and now Rosa treating me like a child.

Can I trust anyone?


I close me front door and when I turn around I come face ta face with me old man.

"Look." He snaps as he shoves a peice of paper in my face. I stanch it away from him and start ta look through it not understanding much.

"I don't understand." I finally admit. He stachs the paper from me and then slaps me hard across the face.

"Fucking waste of space!" He states and for once I actually agree with him.

Tears sting me eyes and threaten ta fall but I hold then back. I don't know why but I feel so broken today. The tingling pain from being slapped hurts more then usual and everything feels so raw.

"The rents goin up." He tells me and my eyes widen.

"What?" I say.

"Didn't ya hear me?" He snaps and I flinch at the sudden volume of his tone. He realises this and smirks knowing that he scares me.

"So, what we gonna do?" I ask already knowing his answer.

"No, what are ya gonna do. You ain't earning enough anyway." He snaps and I feel the last bit of happiness I have slip away.

"Ya want me to get more money?" I ask and he nods. "How?" I ask. I ain't old enough to get a proper wadge so it's not like I can really get more money.

"Don't care. Just do it?" He snaps.

"Maybe ya could..."

He grabs the collar of me shirt and shoves me against the wall causing me to wince.

"We've looked after ya all ya life outa the kindness in our hearts. Ya better repay us ya ungreatful peice of shit." He growls.

"Okay." I tell him and he lets me go.

I race to me bedroom just making it before I break down inta tears.

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