Chapter Eighty

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"Where the fuck is he?" I snarl as I stroll toward James who's sitting in this pissy waitin room with a cop beside him.

"Calm down." The cop tells me but I shake me head.

"Tell me where Luca fuckin is right now or I' gonna..." James starts ta fuckin cry.

"The doctors are trying to save him Seb. There's nothing we can do for him but wait." He tells me and I shake me fuckin head.

"Nah. There ain't a reality where he dies." I tell em and the cop nods.

"I hope you're right." Is all he says and that makes me angry.

"What the fuck..."


Oliver and Rosa race towards us both lookin wild as fuck. Oliver's been cryin and Rosa looks like she's bout ta meaning that they've heard.

"Where is he?" Oliver asks me as I pull him inta a hug.

"Dunno. They won't fuckin tell me." I snap and James shakes his head.

"He lost a lot of blood and they're unaware of any brain injury yet. It's serious. Really serious." James says as he wipes his tears with his sleeve.

"This ain't fuckin happenin." I say as I run me hands through me hair. Oliver sniffs loudly as tears roll down his kid like face and Rosa phones Becky.

"How serious are brain injuries?" Oliver asks as he wipes his eyes on his sleeve. I wrap me arm around him and he leans inta me.

"Very. They can effect all sorts." Rosa says before she starts rantin ta Becky again. Oliver starts a wail and I glare at her.

I've know Luca since he was a kid and I knew back then that there ain't no killin him. He gets beaten and broken but he don't get killed. I always knew that so the fact that he could fuckin die today ain't fuckin right. This ain't how life goes for us. This ain't how it goes for him. He gets broken but never deafeated.

"In going to grab some water. Do any of you want anything to eat?" The cop asks and I stare at him for a mo not bein able ta understand whys he's bein so good ta us.

"Chocolate." I say as I think bout how much Oliver loves chocolate. "But no nuts since he's allergic." I point out fiercely.

"I need coffee." Rosa mutters as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"What about you James?" He asks him but James shakes his head.

"I'm fine." He says even though he ain't.

"Get him some sweets." I tell the cop.

"I'm fine." James says again but I shake me head.

"Get him some sweets." I repeat and the cop nods.

"Okay. See you all in the minute." He says before wondering off to go find our food.

"I don't want anything." James says and I nod.

"I know but ya might later." I tell him as I squeeze Oliver tightly. Oliver sniffs loudly and snuggles closer ta me.

When the cop gets back, Rosa drinks her coffee while Oliver nibbles on his chocolate and James stares at his sweets like he thinks they might just kill him.

"Are you all here to see Luca?" A woman asks and I jump to me feet the same times James does.

"Yeah." I tell her and she nods.

"Follow me."

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