Chapter Seventeen

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He starts to walk and fall in next to him. I look at his skateboard that he's holding under his arm and feel a pang of guilt wash over me.

"I'm sorry about your board." I say but he just shrugs and remains staring straight ahead.

He has a good side profile as well as a good face. His nose is the perfect size and his mouth is the perfect shape. I feel my face heat up as I stare at him and mentally kick myself.

I really am falling for a guy I just met!

"My names James." I tell him realising that we still dont know each other. We've ran into each other so frequently that it feels as though he's always been here. Maybe he has?

"Luca." He says still staring ahead. Luca... That name strangely suits him. It's a nice name and for some reason I can now see that of course he's called Luca because there is no possible way that he could look like anyone else.

"So what do you want to eat?" I ask him having no idea what people like him eat. I guess that eat normal food. Okay, I'm being stupid now since he's a normal human just like everyone else here.

"Don't mind." He says still not turning to look at me. I wonder what he's thinking. He seems so mysterious and I just want to learn more.

"How about we get some fish and chips and eat somewhere outside? It's a nice, hot day after all." I suggest and he nods.

"Yeah." He says, his head still facing straight ahead. I stare at the bruise on his face that wasn't there the last time I saw him.

"What happened to your face?" I ask and he stops walking his whole body tensing up. He turns to me now with the same dangerous look in his eyes that he had the last time I saw him.

"That is none of your fucking business!" He growls and I nod quickly.

"Right, sorry I wasnt thinking." I say and he turns away from me his perfect jaw clenched. I watch him anxiously wondering if this was a good idea.

"Sorry." He says after a few minutes of silence. I stare at him in shock and he turns to me his blue eyes filled with regret.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have asked." I reasure him but he shakes his head causing his hair to flop into his eyes.

"Nah, I shouldn' have lost me temper like that. I ain't great at controllin' it." He explains and I nod. For some unknown reason I really like the way he speaks. None of his words are said with any effort they come out sounding so unique that I find them enticing. I find everything about him enticing.

"It's fine." I tell him and he grins for the first time I've ever seen. His whole face lights up when he grins causing my cheeks to flush red and my heart to hammer in my chest so hard that I'm scared I'll break a rib.

"Well, if ya say so." He says cheerfully and I smile at him. He appears so tough but this new side of him seems more like a child.

Maybe this will work out after all.

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