Chapter Seventy-five

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We have the presents ready. We have the friends ready. And we have the amazing atmosphere ready.

We have everything except the birthday boy.

"You did text him right?" I ask Seb and he grust in response.

"Course. I ain't thick." He snaps and I nod slowly trying to appear innocent despite the rudeness of the question I just asked.

"I never said you were." I state trying to make sure there's no tension between us for when Luca gets here.

If Luca gets here.

Since today is December the Fifteenth we decided to throw Luca a birthday part at the skatepark. Seb texted him what time to meet but didn't mention the suprise party obviously and then we bought food, music and presents. The only problem is, that he was supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago.

"What if his parents have killed him?" I suddenly yell as the idea consumes me. All I can think about is Luca's beaten body laying on the floor while his parents drink themselves to an early grave.

"Relax. He's not that dramatic." Becky tells me but from the looks Oliver, Rosa and Seb are giving each other, I'm not so sure.

"I'm gonna look for him." Seb announces as he checked his phone again.

"Shall we come to?" I suggest but he shakes his head.

"Nah, stay. He might show." He says before he leaves sending us all into silence. I sit on one of the ramps and flick through my phone, my heart plummeting when I see I have no messages.

"Everything's fine." Oliver say and I think he's more telling himself that then us. He paces back and forth before sitting down and also taking out his phone.

"Why did ya cancel ya date with Seb weeks ago?" Rosa asks him and he stares at her in surprise.

"It's been ages since then." He points out.

"I remember everything." She states and Becky nods clearly agreeing with that statement.

"My mum was ill." He mutters and I frown at how closed off and defensive he's suddenly become.

"Oh... Is she okay now?" Becky asks softly and Oliver shakes his head.

"No, I took her to the doctors but it's not a medical emergency so they can't do anything. To get her the help she needs we'd have to go private and we can't afford it." He explains solemnly.

"We could help out?" I suggest but he shakes his head again.

"No. Thank you for the offer but I can't take your cash." He says and I instantly know that it's the end of the conversation.


It's been an hour now and I think I'm actually dying.

Seb hasn't returned yet or replied to any of my messages so Luca's state still remains unknown.

"They're coming!" Becky yells and I jump to my feet searching for sight of my boyfriend.

I smile and then frown.

Luca's been crying and from the state of him he's been crying a lot. His face is read and his eyes are puffy.

That's not the only thing wrong with him though.

A large bruise is forming on his check, his lip is busted and he has a black eye. I stare at him in horror as he stares at the floor like he's too ashamed to look at any of us.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone else says but I can't bring myself to pretend like everything's alright. His parents did this to him because he happened to annoy them or just live in general.

"Better late then never." Seb muses and I nod slowly. I plaster a smile on my face when Luca looks at me and lead him over to the presents so I don't upset him by pitying him.

Why is no one doing anything? Why are we just letting this happen? One day he won't show up and we'll find him dead and his parents gone on the run. He's already beaten and broken so it won't take long for his body to finally give up.

"Happy birthday." I tell him as I pass him a present from me. He looks at it and then at me and smiles.

"Thanks but ya shouldn't have." He tells me.

"You're my boyfriend so I think I have a right to buy you stuff on your birthday." I tell him and he smile. He rips the wrapping paper off of the parsel and stares at the gift confused.

"Thank you?" He says more like a question and I hurry to explain the thick book in his hands.

"You always get lost in your thoughts so I thought I'd buy you a book to get lost in instead. Less dangerous." I tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks. That's sweet." He tells me and Seb laughs from behind us.

"It'd be even better if ya could read shit." He calls and Luca flushes red with what I can only guess is embarrassment.

"I can fuckin read." He snaps but I now know that he can't. He can read messages on a phone and some small words and phrases but of course he can't read a giant fantasy book like this one.

"Don't worry." I tell him softly. "I can read it to you." His frown instantly transforms into a shy smile as he looks at me.

"Really?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course." I tell him and he kisses my head in thanks.

I'd do anything for him.

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