Chapter Thirty-nine

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I frown as I hear yellin from the lounge.

Luca and Oliver have come for dinner (Rosa's on a date) and I left the room for one fuckin second and now all I can hear is yellin.

"What? Ya fuckin believe him?" I hear Luca yell and it's clear from his tone that he's fuckin mad.

"Well, is it true?" Oliver asks, not yelling but sounding upset. What the fuck has Luca done now?

"So ya believe Brandon more then me!" Luca accuses his rage reaching its peak. I know that if he ain't in me house with Oliver then he would've broken somethin if not everythin. Luca's never really been in control of his temper and as much as he hates the fact, it's clear that he gets that from his old man.

"No, that's not what I'm saying Luca. I just want to hear it from you!" Oliver yells clearly upset.

"None of this is any of ya fucking business Oliver!" Luca roars. The door flies open and he storms past me. I look into the lounge to see Oliver crying.

"Hey, what the fuck it going on?" I ask him as I pull him into a hug. I'm never gonna admit it to anyone, but I've always liked Oliver. He's different from everyone else. Rosa is tough and Luca is aggressive but Oliver ain't. He's always tries to find a way around problems without violence. I don't even think that's possible.

Violence is the only answer most of the time.

"Brandon said something and I asked Luca and now he's mad." Oliver sobs and I sigh. Is there really a time when Luca ain't fucking mad?

"He'll cool off." I state but Oliver shakes his head.

"I don't think he will." He states and something about his tone makes me feel sick.

"What did ya say to him?" I ask him and he sighs.

"I don't think I should tell you."

"Why?" I demand but he just shakes is head in a fuckin stubborn way. I know that Oliver is tryin to do the right thing but I just wish he'd fucking tell me. Luca always dose something stupid when he's angry.

"I just don't want to. It doesn't feel right." He says quietly.

"I'm gonna murder that fucking prick." I states not really knowing if I'm talking about Brandon or Luca.


Rosa punches me hard in the face without any warning.

"Your such a dick Seb!" She screams before she starts to giggle about somethin. I raise and eyebrow at her which causes her to laugh harder.

"Why the fuck did ya just punch me?" I ask coolly.

"Dunno. Just felt like getting ya back for when ya snapped me broad in half." She smiles but I frown when I see that it don't reach her eyes.

"Ya had an argument with ya mum?" I ask and she lets out a long sigh before nodding.

"Yeah, it was pretty shit." She states and I sigh before hugging her.

"I'm sorry." I tell her but she shakes her head.

"Nah, I should be greatful that I still have a mum." She states. I sigh again when I think back to me parents. I was pretty young when they snuffed it but I can remember a few things. They were pretty wrapped up in their gang but I know that they still cared bout me and Garry.

"No, if they ain't nice ta ya then you shouldn't have ta put up with them. Take Luca as that example." I tell her and she nods.

"I haven't seen Luca all day." She muses and I nod.

"I saw him earlier but then he left after arguing with Oliver bout something Brandon said." I tell her causing her the frown.

"Ya don't think he's done something stupid?" She asks.

"He can't do anything but something stupid." I remind her and we both nod, thinking back to all the times Luca's challenged someone to a fight that he can't win.

"He's a dick." Rosa states and I nod.

"Couldn't have put it better myself."


"Where ya fucking been?" I ask as Luca stops in front of me with an annoyed expression.

"Why are ya standing outside me house?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and his hands on his hips. This boy is so fucking sassy!

"I'm waiting for ya. Where ya been?" I ask again and he sighs.

"I went ta cool off and then work." He tells me and I sigh.

"Good. Rosa and Oliver were worried." I tell him. I was worried too but I ain't telling him that.

"Tell em I'm sorry for worrying them." He says but I shake me head before grabbing his arm and dragging him off.

"Tell em yourself you lazy prick." I grumble.

"I'm gonna get inta trouble if I wake me parents up. I need to get back home before they go ta bed. I don't wanna get locked out either." He tells me which stops my walking. I turn to look at him.

"Why'd ya even keep going back Luca. It ain't safe there." I tell him and he sighs.

"I have nowhere else ta go. I just have ta hold on until I can afford to leave." He tells me but I shake me head.

"With them always taking ya cash ta pay rent, how ya ever gonna aford ta leave?" I ask him but he only shrugs.

"I'll think of something." He tells me but I know that he won't. He'll keep repeating the same thing over and over until it finally kills him. I know that he can't go on like this for much longer. The pain he's in must be killing him inside.

"Why don't ya take money from ya minted boyfriend?" I ask as the idea suddenly hits me. Luca's eyes widen and then he sakes his head with a disgusted look on his face.

"I ain't fucking doin that." He tells me and I go to argue but he pulls his arm outa my grib and storms off.

I have ta do something for him but I just don't know what.

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