Chapter Sixty-seven

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Luca hasn't really said anything for the rest of the day. He's been sitting silently staring into space like every thought in the world is piling up onto him and he's dying under them all.

Seb and I had a private chat before he left with Oliver. We've both agreed that we want to get Luca help but we're just not sure how to yet.

Becky left with Rosa to spend the day together and I think they're going to both head to see Becky's father. She didn't tell me all of the details but from what I know is that Becky's hurting a lot and Rosa is going to make it right.

"I'm sure Luca's parents must be worried about him by now. He should head home to them." My farther says snapping us all out of our dream like daze.

"Yeah. I should really go and see me folk." Luca says as he stands to leave. I grab his sleeve and tug him back down next to me. I'm scared to let him go incase something happens to him in that time.

"You said that your parents let you stay out for as long as you want. Maybe you could message them and then stay for dinner at least. You and my parents do need to get to know each other." I say and he look from me to my parents who look unsure.

"Would your parents be okay with that?" My mother asks and Luca nods slowly.

"Yeah but I don't wanna stay if I ain't welcome." He says but my parents shake their heads.

"We'll get dinner ready and then we can all talk about what's been going on between you two." My father says before they both leave the room.

"Are ya sure I can eat here?" Luca asks and I frown.

"You've never cared about what you can and can't do before." I point out and he sighs.

"These are ya folk. I wanna make a good impression." He mummbles and I smile reasuringly at him.

"They'd be crazy not to love you." I tell him as I warp my arms around him and hug him tightly. I hope I'm right and that they do like him. I don't want things to become awkward and I don't want them to try and push Luca out of my life.

"More like they'd be crazy ta love me." He mutters and I frown at his harsh words.

"Why do you say that?" I ask and he shrugs. He fiddles with a thread coming lose on the sleeve of his dirty hoodie and I watch him sadly.

"Dunno." He mutters even though he clearly does.

"How about you change into some of my clothes and we put yours in the wash?" I suggest as I study his dirty attire.

"Do they look bad?" He asks and I frown. Meeting my parents as my boyfriend has really seemed to affect him.

"No, I just thought that it would be nicer for you to wear clean clothes." I tell him and he nods before he smirks at me.

"Ya only own posh shit though." He reminds me as he quirks his eyebrow making me blush with embarrassment. I was hoping that he had forgotten about that.

"I'm sure I can find something." I assure him and he laughs.

"Go on then. Wow me." He says as we stand up and hurry up to my room before my parents notice where we're going and get the wrong idea.

I open my door and start to go through my wardrobe whilst Luca fiddles with my stuff. I watch him for a minute before he catches me staring and smirks cheekily at me.

"I know I'm hot but ain't ya supposed ta be clothes spottin?" He asks and I blush at his words. It's strange how only a few hours ago he was crying his eyes out in my arms and now he's flirting and acting his confident self. I don't think I'll ever understand Luca.

"What about this?" I say holding up a forest green jumper. Luca pulls a face and I sigh.

"It just ain't me." He tells me as he stands next to me and peers into my wardrobe. "None of it ain't."

"You have to wear something." I point out.

"Much ta ya dismay." He smirks and I flush a deeper shade of red. He leans against me and stares into my wardrobe making me feel extremely self conscious over my clothing choice.

He snatches a few things out of my wardrobe and steps away before he starts to change. I know that we've seen each other naked but I can't help but blush as he changes right in front of me.

"What ya think?" He asks as he stands there in a navy blue jumper that is too big for him and my light blue trousers that are slightly too long on the legs and don't fit correctly around his unhealthfully small waist.

"Stunning." I tell him despite the fact the oversized clothes make him look like a child. In all honesty he is still a child. We both are. I wonder why he grew up so quickly?

I shake out his dirty, hole filled clothes and then carry then downstairs, Luca following me like a lost puppy. I put his clothes in the washing machine and fill it with fragrant smelling powder before I presse the correct buttons and start up the machine. Luca watches it in awe as it starts to fill with soapy water and starts to rotate. I guess he's like Becky and still gets excited over the washing machine.

"Dinners ready." My mother calls and I turn to Luca who looks nervous again.

"Are ya sure this is a good idea? I don't wanna fuck up." He says and I frown.

"You won't. Everything is going to be fine. Besides, I think it's time they met you properly after they tended to your wounds." I tell him desiding to leave out the part where my parents have been giving him funny looks all day.

I really hope they like him.

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