Chapter Fifty-eight

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"What did I do to deserve bein a fuckin single mum?" Me mum mutters for the fifth time today. Yeah, I get the message, she hates me.

"Chased dad away by bein a bitch." I tell her. I ain't going through her shit right now. Luca just got let out and I wanna talk ta me mates about everything.

"It was ya fault ya ungreatful little git!" She yells but I ignore her. I'm used ta her blamin dad on me. It ain't my fault and I know it. I was only a kid so how could I have done anything wrong?

"Yeah, yeah. Say what ya want. I'm goin out." I tell her as she lights a cigarette and takes a long drag of it. I cough as she exhales some and then glare at her.

"Ya know the fact that all of ya friends are boys says a lot about ya." She says and my blood boils with rage. What makes her think that she has the right ta say that? The right ta say anything about me? She knows nothin!

I stand and lock eye contact with her only to be suffocated in an exhale of smoke.

"I'm a lesbian!" I tell as I bat her grimy old smoke away. She might wanna fuck up her lungs but I sure don't!

"Yeah, yeah. Good excuse." She sneers and I stare at her speachless. How thick is she? I get it, she's a young mum who's single and don't wanna be stuck at home all day doing stuff but she is, so she should suck it up.

"Fuck you!" I scream at her as I storm up ta my room.

"Get back here now!" She yells ta me but I ain't listenin ta her anymore.

"Nah," I say as I walk past her with a back of me stuff. "I'm leavin."


"I don't wanna dump myself on ya." I say as Seb leads me inta his room and throws a few blankets on the floor for me ta sleep on.

"Ya not. I wanna help. Besides, who else is there?" He asks as he lobs a pillow at me.

"Thanks." I tell him as I drop me bag of stuff on the floor and sit down next ta it.

I'm finally free. I mean, I'm seventeen so I could probably buy a place of me own if I had cash. Movin out ain't too bad. Maybe I could save up and rent some shitty place?

"Hey, I saw Becky earlier. She seemed pretty down." Seb tells me and I frown. Becky has been down lately and I dunno why.

"I'll call her." I tell him and he nods. I grab my phone and stand to leave the room but he also stands.

"I'll leave." He says before he leaves the room. I click on Becky's contact and wait while I hear it ring.

"Hello?" Becky says from the other end and I frown at the sound of her voice. She sounds sad; like she's been crying.

"Hey Becky." I say tryin ta sound okay. I don't wanna let on that I know that she's sad.

"How are you Rosa?" She asks me like always and I sigh. Maybe if I'm honest, she'll be honest too.

"Pretty shit actually. I've run away from home." I tell her and I hear her gasp on the other end of the line.

"Why?" She asks soundin horrified.

"I argued with me mum and she was bein such a bitch. She said that bein a lesbian was just me excuse for havin loads of guy friends." I explain and I hear Becky sigh.

"I'm really sorry Rosa, that sounds horrible. Do you have somewhere to go?" She asks and I smile at how sweet she is. Becky can be badass when she wanna be but also really sweet. She's always polite and cares about everyone. What'd I do ta such an angel?

"Yeah, I'm stayin at Seb's for a while." I tell her.

"Maybe I could ask my dad if you could stay?" She suggest. "Not that there's anything wrong with Sebastian. I just miss you." She adds quickly and I smile.

"Don't let him hear ya say Sebastian. He hates it." I laugh.

"Really? I like it." She tells me and I smile. Sebastian is a posh name and she's a posh person. Seb ain't posh though.

"Cute." I say and I can practically hear her blushin. "Would ya dad really let me stay?" I ask gettin back ta the topic at hand.

"Maybe if he knew we were dating he would be more open to the idea." She tells me and I frown.

"Ya don't have ta tell him. Not if ya not ready." I tell her. I've heard enough ta know that he probably won't be chill with it.

"It's fine." She tells me but I know that it's not. I can't let Becky get hurt for me.

"It's fine Becky. I can..."

"Rosa," she interrupts. "I want to do this." She tells me sounding sure of herself.

"Confidence is a good look on ya." I state with a smile.

"You can't see me." She reminds me her voice sounding high pitched like it does when she blushes.

"No, but I can tell what ya look like by how ya sound." I tell her with a wide smile on me face.

I've had a few girlfriends before and I liked each of them but nothing like this. I went on dates with them and we had a lot in common but I just couldn't see myself with them. Now, I don't spend a load of time with Becky and we couldn't be more different yet we just click

"Thanks for havin my back." I tell her meaningfully.

"Anytime." She chirps back and I can't help but smile brightly.

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