Chapter Thirteen

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I sit down at the dining table and smile innocently at my parents. They smile back and I think that means I've got their attention.

"Would it be alright if I went out today?" I ask and I see them glance at each other nervously. My aprents have always been extremely over protective so they prefur it if I spend my weekends inside studying so they know where I am.

"Who are you going with?" My father asks and I smile. Thank everything I anticipated them interrogating me before agreeing to anything.

"Becky." I lie confidently and they nod implying that they're falling for it.

"Where should you two be going?" My mother asks sounding a little more at ease.

"Just for a walk. Maybe a little bit of shopping and a spot of lunch." I tell them and their eyes go wide.

"James, are you and Becky together again?" My mother questions sounding hopeful and I suddenly realise how much like a date my lie sounded.

"Oh no. We're just friends." I tell them and I pretend not to notice as their faces fall.

"I think that that sould be alright." My father says and my mother nods.

"Yes, I agree. As long as you phone if there's a problem and that you promise to be home by six." My mother says and I nod. It's not like I'm going to be out until six with that boy anyway. I'll probably just be out until after lunch when I see how horrible he is and then I'll finally forget about him.

"I agree to those terms." I say with a smile and they smile back.

"You really are a wonderful son, James." My father says and I beam at that. I love making my parents feel proud. I hope that one day we'll be a well known successful family.

"Thank you. Your both extraordinary parents." I tell them and it's one hundred percent true.

Every part of this family is wonderful.

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