Chapter Thirty-five

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James is so fantastic!

James is so clever!

James is so hot!

James is selfish, self centered and a waist of space! He's the smartest at school and he knows it. He goes around like he's the bees knees when he's really not.

I'm always second best to him and I'm really fed up of it. I wish that everyone would just open their eyes and see that he's not all that he makes himself out to be.

I walk down the street after a late study session with Tiffany and sigh as I think about school.

I use to be the top student who everyone loved but then when James scored top in the class everything changed. At first I thought that it was just a one time thing and that he had gotten lucky, but then it happened again. Ever since that day I've been shunned to his shadow and left there to rot. No one sees Darren anymore, only James.

"I care about you Luca and I'm not going to hurt you like he did."

I glance over at the park and gasp when I see James. He's standing extreamly close to a boy (they look like they're about to kiss) and is saying all sorts of sweet things.

The boy is unlike anyone I've ever seen before. His clothes are dirty and look a size too big. His hair is messy and his skin is covered in scars and bruises. It's obvious that this boy is one of them.

It's clear that this boy is going to be the sort of person that drinks, smokes and takes illegal substances. He's probably in a gang as well.

What is perfect James doing near him?

I listen to their conversation which sounds awfully like their talking about how much they love each other. I narrow my eyes as I listen as ideas start to form in my head.

Mr perfect pants James is gay? Well, not only might he be gay, but he's in love with that boy?

"No way." I whisper as the boy kisses James on the lips and James kisse him back.

Now that I think about it, I've seen that boy before. I've seen him skateboarding around but recently I've seen him waiting for James outside of school.


I never would have thought that James would date a boy and I certainly never thought that he would date a boy like that.

I hold up my phone and snap a picture to capture their moment. This should go down nicely.

I smile to myself as I start to head home, a plan already starting to form in my head.

James isn't going to know what hit him!

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