Chapter Sixty-three

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I softly brush a strand of golden hair away from Luca's face as he sleeps. I know that I should be sleeping too but whenever I close my eyes, all I can see is those people attacking us.

I was so scared.

I've never been in a fight before and not only was I looking out for myself but I was looking out for Luca too. He fought back which is definitely not what the attacks were expecting. There was no way that Luca was going to go down without a good fight.

We both got hurt. He took most of it for me yet he hasn't really moaned at all about the pain. I guess he's used to pain unlike me. I wince with every movement and feel light headed whenever someone touches by injuries while Luca just keep on moving like he doesn't feel it at all.

I'm still scared.

I don't want that to ever happen again. I don't want to be attacked and I don't want to be sacred. I don't want to watch my boyfriend be beaten because I'm too much of a coward to do anything about it.

I don't want Luca to fight any more. I know that I can't stop him but he deserves a life without fear and pain. I don't know who's been hurting him but I will. I will find out and stop them so he can finally relax and live a normal life. He's fourteen and yet he's seen and done things I've never ever imagined.

I want to protect Luca but it seems like he's the one always having to protect me. After he attacked Darren, no one's really said anything to my face since they're scared of Luca.

I sigh and gently rub my fingers along his jaw unable to keep the small smile from my lips. He truly is wonderful and I love his so much.


When I wake up, Luca is gone.

I sit up quickly and throw the duvet back as panic suddenly starts to settle in. Where is he?

I jump out of bed and race down the stairs letting out a sigh of relief when I see him.

Luca stands my the front door with my house keys in hand. He has is hand on the handly and is turning the keys as quietly as he can as if to not wake anyone up with their endless jangling.

"Where are you going?" I ask and he jumps in surprise before spinning around to look at me.

"Nowhere." He says smiling sheepishly.

"Don't lie to me." I say as I approach him. I ache too much to fight with him but I refuse to tolerate his lies.

"Fine. I'm gonin ta work." He tells me and I instantly shake my head.

"No, your too hurt for that." I state but he only shrugs like we're weren't just attacked yesterday.

"I've had worse." He tells me stubbornly and I sigh. I hate thinking that he's been hurt before. I hate thinking that he's been hurt full stop.

"Why are you going to work?" I ask him trying to understand his situation.

"Need money." He states sounding slightly embarrassed by that fact. I know that he's poor, it's clear from everything about him. From his warn, wrinkled clothes to his dirty appearance, it's clear that his family are only just scraping by.

"I'm sure your parents and boss will understand." I say softly but he only shakes his head and looks away. I reach for him but he flinches away from my touch.

"Sorry." He whispers.

"What for?" I ask him puzzled. He's done absolutely nothing wrong.

"Everything." He mutters still looking at the floor. I sigh and then pull him into a hug.

"You've done nothing wrong." I assure him as I gently run his back with my hands.

"I've done everythin wrong." He says and it's clear from his voice that he's hurting. Luca is confident and proud but sometimes that façade breaks and I get to see the real him. The broken and vulnerable part of him.

"I love you Luca." I tell him and that seems to do it. He collapses into my arms and sobs loudly like he did when we stood in the rain together.

"I love ya too." He sobs. I take his hand and slowly lead him back upstairs and back to bed.

We both lay down and he burries his face him my chest as he cries quietly. I move a strand of hair and he flinches again.

"Sorry." I say but he shakes his head.

"Sorry." He says and I frown.

"What for?" I ask him like I did a few minutes ago.

"For cryin. Boys don't cry." He says and I shake my head. Who told him that?

"Boys can cry as much as anyone else can. There's nothing wrong with crying. In fact, it actually makes you feel better since you're releasing those negative emotions." I explain softly as I play with his golden hair.

" Really?" He asks sounding confused and I nod.

"Really. Whoever told you that boys don't cry were wrong." I say and he smiles a little.

"Thanks." He whispers as the tension leaves his body and he finally relaxes.

"What for?" I ask again.

"Everything." He answers and I smile a goofy smile.

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