Chapter Seventy-six

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I lay next ta Luca on me bed as he rambles on bout the book James is readin him. I roll me eyes but smile anyway because he's lovely.

"So, ya had a good birthday?" I ask when he pauses from his long and excited explanation.

"It was pretty chill." He says but I can see the pain startin ta set in. He goes quiet and lost in his fuckin head like always. I sit up and flick his face where a shitty bruise is forming.

"What the fuck?" He yells also sittin up. I stare at him before shaking me head and then shakin him.

"Did he fuckin hit ya anywhere else?" I ask as I grab a tube of shitty stuff to help bruise. I squirt some of the paste out and start ta rub it on his face. He shoves me but I just shove him down on the bed and sit on him ta stop him from movin.

"Ya crushin me." He grumbles and I nod.

"Good." I say as I smack the stuff on one of his bruises and start ta rub it in. "Did he hit ya anywhere else?" I ask again and he shakes his head.


"Ya lyin."


"Still lyin."

"Fuck off."

I sigh and throw the tube onta the bed angrilly. I don't move away from him though and he glares. Does he really think he can scare me with his glare?

"Why d'ya stay there?" I ask as he spits some hair outa his mouth. He stares at me and then sighs.

"Dunno." He admits.

"Ya scared?"


"Ya think ya deserve it." It ain't a question this but a statement. Luca stares at me before shakin his head. He won't meet me eye.


I turn ta the doorway ta see James standin there watchin me and Luca with a strange expression.

"What ya doing here?" I ask as I jump off Luca and the bed. Luca sits up and stares at the bed cover like he don't wanna meet anyones eye.

"Garry let me in. I wanted to see how Luca was?" He says as he looks past me and at Luca.

"Say somethin ta him for fuck sake." I say as I smack the back of Luca's head maybe a little to hard. He stares at me blanky for a sec before turning away and smiling the fakest fuckin smile in history of fake smiles.

"Heya James." He says and I roll me eyes.

"I'll give ya two a moment." I say before stoppin at the doorway. "No fuckin on me bed." I say before leavin the room.

He didn't snap back when I hit him. I'm startin ta think that I'm losin him forever and it fuckin hurts. He won't talk ta me like before and he won't even spend any time with me. He got beaten today for missin work on his fifteenth birthday and he's driftin farther away every day.

"Ya okay?" Garry says me as I flop down in the sofa.

"Yeah. Just givin Luca and James a mo." I tell him and he nods.

I wouldn't say we're the closest of family but he's all I got. Garry's a good man and he's done well ta look after me and all me fuckers.

"Seem tired." Garry tells me and I shrug before rubbin me eyes.

"Sorta, been a long day." I say and he nods like he understands and maybe he does. I don't really know what Garry does any more. He works at the garage and sleeps and I think that's it. He ain't interested in relationships or whatever so he just chills at home when he's not workin.

"How are ya and Oliver?" He asks me.

"Okay. He's strugglin with cash and can't find work though." I say and Garry nods.

"He's a bright kid. Call him up and see if he wanna work with me." He tells me and I smile.

"Cheers." I say and he nods before gettin up and goin ta bed. I throw me legs up onta the sofa and close me eyes.

Maybe I'll chill for a few mins...

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