Chapter Fifty

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I can tell that's somethings wrong. Luca holds himself different ta normal. He leans more ta one side and his movements are stiff like each one of them is causin him pain.

His face is blotchy and his eyes red making it obvious that he's been crying. I put two and two together and sigh.

His old man did this ta him!

"Luca!" James yells as he throws himself onta him. Luca stumbles back but stays standing. He looks surprised at James's sudden hug but then hugs him back.

Fuck sake Luca. Can't ya see that he hurt ya?

"Brandon broke ya windows." Luca says and James gasps in surprise. Why is he surprised? Everything has somethin ta do with that fucking waste of space Brandon!

"Why?" He asks not lettin anyone else talk ta Luca.

"He knows 'bout us and wanted ta let off some steam." Luca states like he's too tried for this shit.

"How d'ya know?" Rosa asks.

"I went ta speak at him." He says and Oliver snorts loudly.

"Again?" Oliver asks and Luca sighs.

"Oliver." He warns but he shakes his head.

"You've been spending time with him." Oliver states and I turn back ta Luca.

"What?" I say and Luca sighs.

"I stopped when I started dating James." Is all he says and I stare at him.

"Ya have been spending time with that dick this whole time!" I yell angrily. I knew he was fuckin stupid but this is a new extream.

"It's none of ya fuckin business." He tells me but I shake me head.

"Ya so fuckin stupid Luca!" I yell.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yells back. I stare at him for a second before I tighten me hand into a fist and punch him in the face.

"Luca!" James yells as Luca stumbles back clearly dazed.

"What the fuck Seb!" Rosa cries. She reaches ta grab me but I shove her away aggressively.

"Hey!" Becky yells but I ignore her. I grab the collar of Luca's shirt and stare at him but he doesn't look at me.

"What's wrong with ya?" I scream but he don't answer. Something ain't right. Luca would normally punch me back or scream some shitty words.

He looks hollow inside.

"Luca." I snap shaking him but he don't respond. His uneven posture and the bruises on his face show that he's been hurt already by his old man and I've just hit him as well.

I let go of his collar and stare at him but he don't move. He's hurtin and I've made it worse.

"Are you okay?" James asks him. That seems ta do it. Luca looks at him and gives him a small smile.

"I'm fine." He tells him before he walks off.

"Luca. I'm sorry!" I call after him but he doesn't say anythin to me. James runs after him leaving the rest of us standing in surprise.

"Ya can be such an arse." Rosa states before she takes Becky's hand and walking off, leavin Oliver and I alone in the rain.

I turn ta Oliver and he stares at me. The rain has soaked him and for some reason he looks smaller then usual.

"I've fucked up." I state and he nods.

"It's okay. Everything will get better." He tells me. I take his hand and start to pull him towards me home ta get outa the rain.

I shouldn't have hit Luca. I knew that he was already hurt yet I still hurt him. He's never reacted like that before. He always hits back or screams at me but he didn't. It's like he just shut down.

"Please stop blaming yourself." Oliver says softly.

"Okay." I lie.

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