Chapter Thirty

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I climb out of my mum's car and head into our house. I normally head upstairs and get into my comfortable clothes and start revision but instead I head into the lounge and sit down.

Now is the time I fight for my rights.

My parents follow me into the lounge with confused expressions and I look at them with a serious look.

"I think that you should remove the punishment of grounding me." I state and they both glance at each other in confusion. I've never really objected with my parents so I'm guessing that this must come as a great shock to them.

"James, you arrived home half an hour late." My mother reminds me and I nod to show them that I still remember.

"Yes, I know. Most teenagers though are allowed out and probably don't get punished. I just want to have that freedom again." I explain as I stare at the both of them with the most intensity I can manage.

"We just want to protect you." My father states and I sigh at the classic good parenting card that they always pull out at the rare occasions that I try to question their ideals.

"I know but I'm almost sixteen. Soon, I'll be heading off to college and university and I will need skills to survive. If I'm constantly shielded then I won't be able to defend for myself or make it through the real worl." I tell them and they nod in agreement but still look unsure.

"You've changed recently James." My mother states and I nod in agreement.

"Yes, I have, but is it really a bad thing. I have grown more independent and I feel happier then I have in a long while." I tell them and they stare at me in shock.

"James, have you fallen in love?" My father asks and I shake my head, hating the fact that I have to lie to them about it.

"No, I just want to be able to spend time with Becky and study with the people who need my help." I explain to them and they both sigh in synchronization.

"Your phone has been buzzing none stop with messages. We haven't read them but they all seem to be from the same person." My mother tells me and I instantly know that they from Luca.

"Yes, they from someone who needs my help with balancing equations in chemistry." I lie and I feel ashamined at how easily that lie comes.

I hate having to lie to my parents about this but what choice don't have?

"James, we don't like having to enforce these rules but half an hour late is just too much." My mother tells me and I nod in agreement because she is total right. Half an hour late is taking advantage of my limited freedom and I do deserve to be punished for that but I am also a teenager who wants to be outside and free.

"I agree with you and I am extreamly sorry for how late I was. I was going over the lesson with one of my peers but they just didn't understand it. They started to panic about failing their GCSEs so I went over it again with extra detail. I didn't notice how late it was getting which lead to me arriving home late." I explain as guilt claws away at me for my lies.

A few months ago I was the son that both of my parents could be proud of but now I'm so obsessed with my love life that I've become like an average teenager. I'm going to have to work something out with Luca so I can keep getting my normal revision time and still see him.

Maybe I could tutor him? He doesn't go to school and teaching him stuff would count as revision. I'll have to ask him later if my parents lift my punishment.

"We just worry James. There are stories of teenagers getting killed or hurt and this is a busy city. I know that we can be overbearing but it's just because we love you." My father explains and I nod already knowing this reason.

"I appreciate your consern but I can look after myself for the most part." I tell them and they both look at each other and nod.

"Okay, your not grounded anymore." My mother says with a large smile. I beam at the both of them and then beam even more as they pass me my phone.

I thank both of them and then head back up to my room, feeling excitement bubbling up inside of me. I sit down at my desk and open up my messages.

I gasp at the amount of messages I have from Luca. It's clear from what he's saying that he knew that I wasn't going to answer. I think that he just liked to ramble about random things. There's several overly long messages about random things like his friends and the skate park.

I smile as I read over every message that is written in his careless speach and laugh at the different ways he likes to spend his days. He doesn't mention being at home once but something tells me that he doesn't go home often. He seems like the sort of person who stays up late and does whatever he wants.

We've been living two very different lives yet we were brought together in the strangest way. Fate maybe if that's something you believe in.

Sorry for not replying to your messages. Your right I was grounded but I have spoken with my parents and they have agreed to lift my punishment. It's still early so maybe we could meet up?

I wait for his reply but it doesn't come. Luca is the sort of person who appears permanently addiced to his phone due to how quickly he replys to messages. It's strange that he hasn't replied to me yet since he's normal so quick.

Maybe Seb has taken the phone back since it is rightfully his. If that is the case though, Luca won't know that I can see him again and I can guarantee that Seb won't tell him.

Fear starts to flood my body at the thought of never getting to see Luca again. I know that I have to be overreacting but I can't seem to stop. Thoughts of him thinking that I've left him and getting with another boy fill my brain up causing jealousy to flood through me.

I grab my physics book and flick to a random page. I start to read about circuits. I revise the different symbols for cells and batteries. For voltameters light blubs. Soon, I'm lost in the world of physics and almost don't notice when my phone buzzes.

I pick it up and open my messages, a million different emotions fills me to the point where I can breath. I gasp as I read the message from an unknown number and bolt downstairs to ask my parents for permission to go out.

This is James right
Somethins happened an it ain't good
Meet me at the garage by Oak Street or whatever the fuck it's called
It's Rosa BTW Luca's mate

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