Chapter Fifty-four

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I sneeze again and groan as the jolt from sneezin make me fuckin head throb.

When if this fuckin fever thing gonna fuck off?

I just wanna lay in bed till I feel better but I can't. I'm losin a day's wadge because for this fuckin illness. I can't afford this. The rent needs ta be paid and I have no where near enough money to pay it.

I shuffle around trying ta get comfy on the floor.


I sit up and look around to see that I'm in James's bedroom. He's sitting on the edge of his bed looking down at me with a conserned look on his face.

"How'd I get here?" I ask him which only makes him frown even more. He looks handsome even when he's frowning but it's still nothing compared to when he smiles. His smile is enough to stop rain and make sun.

He's fuckin amazin!

"Don't you remember?" He asks and I shake me head.

"Nah, I don't." I tell him. He slides off his bed and sits down next ta me. He holds me hand and squeezes it.

"After Darren decided to give us his input, we came here so you could rest somewhere comfortable. Both of my parents are at work." He explains softly as he squeezed my hand again.

"Right, guess I fell asleep." I say and he nods.

"You must have been tired." He says and I nod. I don't think there's a time where I ain't tired. I always feel shitty and dead but recently it's been worse.

"Probably." I say with a shurg.

"Sleep all you need." He says and I nod before I rest me crap feelin head on his shoulder.


Darren Western...

He goes ta James's school and he is pretty smart.

What a dick!

I look at James as he sits on the alley floor next ta me. I tickle Frederick (the cat I found and James told me to take it home. I did). James stares inta the distance like he's deep in thought and it's clear from the pain in his dark eyes that it's bad.

The fucker Darren posted the picture.

I don't know the whole story but I know that school has become really shitty for James. He's not excited ta go anymore and he constantly seems hurt.

He's gettin bullied because of me.

"Ya okay?" I ask him as I place a hand on his shoulder. He nods without looking at me and I sigh.

I hate seein him like this.

I'm supposed ta be the unstable one with the problem not him. He should be happy with his bright future and caring family.

He don't deserve this shit.

"I'm gonna fuckin kill them." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"It's fine." He says.

"Nah it ain't." I tell him. It ain't fuckin fine that he's being made ta feel like shit just because he likes a boy...

Just because he likes me.

"I want to hurt everyone that hurts you but I don't." He says and I smie a little at the fact he cares.

"That's the difference between us. I have no morales." I say and I mean it. I don't. I've been arrested so many times that it's startin ta get old. I will happily harm the people that anger me.

I guess that makes me like me old man.

Anger surges through me as I think of that fact. I don't wanna be this way. I'm so fuckin messed up.

I pull Frederick inta me arms and hug him. He sits on me till be gets board and bites me. I let him go and he wonders off.

I ain't allowed pets but most of the time me parents are too pissed to notice Frederick wondering around in me room.

"Cats have extreamly germy mouths. You should clean that." James tells me but I only shurg.

"It's chill." I say as I wipe the blood on me jeans.

"Luca..." He sighs like I'm bein a problem.

"Sorry." I say not wantin ta make his life worse by being a dick.

I glance at him ta see that he's gone back to the cold place he's been spending a lot of time at lately.

James... I'm gonna fucking kill them for ya!

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