Chapter Six

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Fuck everything!

I'm so fucking screwed now!

I stare at the boy standing in the door way. He has dark skin and almost black hair. His hazel eyes shine with fear and other crap that I dont need to know about.

Why'd this crap always happen to me? I know life isn't fair but ain't it time it cut me some slack?

"I'm calling the police." The boy says breaking the silence.

"Don't!" I yell not knowing what to do. I've been in shit before but this is shit, shit, shit.

"Why not?" He asks and I blink shocked. I didn't think he'd listen to me. No one listens to me.

"It's just uncool, ain't it?" I say shoving my hands in my pocket and hunching my back trying to play it cool. Course I meant to get caught is what I try to get me face to say.

His eyes move from my eyes to the bruise on the face and me busted lip that me old man gave me last night. For some reason this makes me want to run away from him as fast as I can. He seems like a nosy prick and I have no shit for them.

He suddenly starts to dial a number on his phone and I dive towards him reaching for it.

"Call the cops and I'll fucking kill you!" I yell as he holds his phone out of my reach and backs away quickly.

"Saying that really isn't helping you." He says panicked and I grunt annoyed.

"Fine. I dont take stuff and you dont call the cops. Deal?" I ask glaring at him. He looks me up and down and I grunt again hoping he'll speed his shit up.

"Fine. I dont want my parents to find out anyway. They'll just worry." He says like I want to hear his life story.

"Good." I grumble. He leaves the doorway and I hear the front door open. I peer round the door at him and raise my eye brow. "You letting me out?"

"Of course, I'm not having you jump out the window that's irresponsible." He argues his face burning red.

I blink at him and shrug. "Suit yourself." I shove my hands back into my pockets and hunch my back as I walk out of the door. I stand outside looking over my shoulder at him feeling awkward. Why's this shit gotta' make it weird?

I walk away pretending that I dont hear him stammering some crap.

What a peice of shit.

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